publ |
Artin algebraization for pairs with applications to the local structure of stacks and Ferrand pushouts
(w/ J. Alper, J. Hall & D. Halpern-Leistner)
Forum Math. Sigma, 12 (2024), e20, pp. 1–25.
2205.08623 |
publ |
Mayer–Vietoris squares in algebraic geometry
(w/ J. Hall) J. London Math. Soc. 107(5) (2023), pp. 1583–1612.
1606.08517v2 |
publ |
Canonical reduction of stabilizers for Artin stacks with good moduli spaces
(w/ D. Edidin) Duke Math. J. 170(5) (2020), 827–880.
1710.03220v3 |
publ |
A Luna étale slice theorem for algebraic stacks
(w/ J. Alper & J. Hall) Ann. of Math. 191(3) (2020), 675–738.
1504.06467v3 |
publ |
Coherent Tannaka duality and algebraicity of Hom-stacks
(w/ J. Hall) Algebra Number Theory 13(7) (2019), 1633–1675.
(1405.7680v3) |
publ |
One positive and two negative
results for derived categories of algebraic stacks
(w/ J. Hall & A. Neeman) J. Inst. Math. Jussieu 18(5) (2019), 1087–1111.
(1405.1888v2) |
publ |
Artin's criteria for algebraicity revisited
(w/ J. Hall) Algebra Number Theory 13(4) (2019),
(1306.4599v1) |
publ |
The complexity of a flat groupoid
(w/ M. Romagny & G. Zalamansky) Doc. Math. 23 (2018),
1609.00516v4 |
publ |
Addendum: Étale dévissage, descent and pushouts of stacks
(w/ J. Hall) J. Algebra 498 (2018), 398–412.
1712.07976 |
publ |
Perfect complexes on algebraic stacks
(w/ J. Hall) Compos. Math. 153(11) (2017), 2318–2367.old title: Tame stacks are perfect |
(1405.1887v3) |
publ |
The telescope conjecture for algebraic stacks
(w/ J. Hall) J. Topol. 10(3) (2017), 776–794.
1606.08413v2 |
publ |
Approximation of sheaves on algebraic stacks
Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2016, no. 3, 717–737.old title: Approximation of sheaves on algebraic stacks with quasi-affine diagonal |
1408.6698v3 |
publ |
Algebraic groups and compact
generation of their derived categories of representations
(w/ J. Hall) Indiana Univ. Math. J. 64(6) (2015), 1903–1923.
1405.1890v3 |
publ |
General Hilbert stacks and Quot schemes
(w/ J. Hall) Michigan Math. J. 64 (2015), 335–347.
1306.4118v3 |
publ |
Noetherian approximation of algebraic spaces and stacks
J. Algebra 422 (2015), 105–147.
0904.0227v4 |
publ |
The Hilbert stack
(w/ J. Hall) Adv. Math. 253 (2014), 194–233.
(1011.5484v2) |
publ |
Existence and properties of
geometric quotients
J. Algebraic Geom. 22 (2013), 629–669.old title: Existence of quotients by finite groups and coarse moduli spaces |
0708.3333v2 |
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Étale dévissage, descent and pushouts of stacks
J. Algebra 331(1) (2011), 194–223.
1005.2171v2 |
publ |
The canonical embedding of an unramified morphism in an étale morphism
Math. Z. 268(3–4) (2011), 707–723. |
0910.0056v2 |
publ |
Representability of Hilbert schemes and Hilbert stacks of points
Comm. Alg. 39(7) (2011), 2632–2646. |
0802.3807v2 |
publ |
An intrinsic construction of the principal component of the Hilbert scheme
(w/ R. Skjelnes) J. London Math. Soc. 82(2) (2010), 459–481.
(0703329v2) |
publ |
Submersions and effective descent
of étale morphisms
Bull. Soc. Math. France 138(2) (2010), 181–230.
0710.2488v3 |
publ |
A minimal set of generators for the ring of
multisymmetric functions
Ann. Inst. Fourier 57(6) (2007), 1741–1769.
0710.0470v1 |
publ |
Toroidal orbifolds, destackification, and Kummer blowings up (Appendix to paper by D. Abramovich, M. Temkin & J. Włodarczyk) Algebra Number Theory, 14(8) (2020), 2001–2035.
(1709.03206) |
publ | Tame and wild ramification via stacks
Oberwolfach report 38/2012, 2342–2344.
Preprints (intended for publication)
Functorial flatification of proper morphisms
Dec 2024, pp. 16.
Absolute noetherian approximation of algebraic stacks
Nov 2023, pp. 16.
2311.09208 | |
Stabilizer reduction for derived stacks and applications to sheaf-theoretic invariants
(w/ J. Hekking & M. Savvas) Sep 2022, pp. 70.
2209.15039 | |
Weighted Blow-ups
(w/ M. H. Quek) Mar 2022, pp. 46.
A generalization of Luna's fundamental lemma for stacks with good moduli spaces
Aug 2020, pp. 21.
2008.11118 | |
The étale local structure of algebraic stacks
(w/ J. Alper & J. Hall) Jan 2021, pp. 57.
1912.06162v2 | |
Virtual Cartier divisors and blow-ups
(w/ A. Khan) May 2019, pp. 19.
1802.05702v2 | |
Functorial destackification and
weak factorization of orbifolds
(w/ D. Bergh) May 2019, pp. 37.
1905.00872v1 | |
Compactification of tame Deligne–Mumford stacks
Draft, May 2011, pp. 57.
Compactification of stacks
and extending stackiness across the boundary
Sep 2014, pp. 14.
In preparation
Submersions and effective descent of étale morphisms II
Draft, Jan 2017, pp. 17.
Tannaka duality for algebraic stacks with quasi-affine diagonal
(w/ J. Hall) Draft, May 2014, pp. 10.
Coherence of half-exact functors
(w/ J. Hall) Draft, Jun 2012, pp. 18.
Functorial resolution of
singularities in characteristic zero using Rees algebras
Draft, April 2013, pp. 28.
Equivariant flatification, étalification and compactification
In preparation, Oct 2016, pp. 8.
Weak factorization of Deligne–Mumford stacks
In preparation, Oct 2015.
Generalized Bertini theorems and finite coverings of arithmetic stacks
In preparation, Sep 2015.
Families of cycles and the Chow scheme
Ph. D. Thesis. May 2008. KTH, Stockholm, pp. 218 |
Families of zero-cycles and divided powers:
I. Representability
March 2008, pp. 52.
0803.0618v1 | |
Families of zero-cycles and divided powers:
II. The universal family
April 2008, pp. 24.
Hilbert and Chow schemes of points, symmetric
products and divided powers
April 2008, pp. 40.
Families of cycles
May 2008, pp. 72 (draft).
(the authoritative version is the published version or the pdf)