Anders Forsgren was born in Danderyd, Sweden, in 1961. He received an MSc degree in Engineering Physics from KTH in 1985, an MS degree in Operations Research from Stanford University in 1987 and a PhD degree in Optimization and Systems Theory from KTH in 1990. Between 1991 and 1995 he was a research associate at the Division of Optimization and Systems Theory, where in 1995 he was appointed docent. Since 2003, he is a professor at this division. His main research interest is nonlinear programming.

Anders Forsgren
Division of Optimization and Systems Theory
Department of Mathematics
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden

Tel: +46 8 790 71 27
Fax: +46 8 723 17 88
Office: Lindstedtsvägen 25, room 3533



Office hours: By appointment.

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by Anders Forsgren.