Tobias Oechtering

Tobias Oechtering 

Division of Information Science and Engineering
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Digital Futures fellow, also affiliated with SRA ICT-TNG

E-mail: oech(at)kth(dot)se


Master thesis projects: I am looking for qualified master students from KTH that would like to do a master thesis project with me in one of the following three areas: (i) privacy mechanisms for data disclosure with provable privacy guarantees (either theory or applied), (ii) design of data-driven sensor calibration algorithms, (iii) design of trustworthy digital twins for energy management or predictive maintenance. All projects are part of larger research activities. Please contact me if you are interested and have the right background.

More (latest) news are posted on my twitter account.

  • Workshop on HPC at KTH: On Apr 25, 2024, the KTH Digitalisation platform organizes the workshop “High performance computing at KTH.” More information and registration can be found here link.

  • Tech meets Law: In our recent cross-disciplinary paper Calculated Privacy published in FIU Law Review we try to bridge the gap between law and tech by connecting legal principle (data minimisation) with mathematical concepts (sufficient statistics) - joint work with C. Magnusson Sjoberg from the Law Department at Stockholm University and Sara Saeidian.

  • VR project grant: The Swedish Research Council supports our fundamental research on pointwise maximal leakage. Jointly with my co-PI Mikael Skoglund and PhD students Sara Saeidian and Leonhard Grosse we will continue to develop this promising privacy measure which provides explainable and provable privacy guarantees.

  • Workshop Trustworthy Learning: On Oct 16, 2023, Digital Futures DataLEASH and EXTREMUM projects organise a workshop on “Trustworthy Learning.” More information and registration can be found here link.

  • Dig-IT Lab: Vinnova has granted our competence center application Dig-IT Lab Sustainable Industry, which will start Jan 2024. I will explore trustworthy digital twin design!

  • Workshop Digitalisation in Energy research: On Sept 14, 2023, KTH Digitalisation and Energy research platforms organize workshop “Data-driven methods with energy applications.” More information and registration can be found here link.

  • Pointwise Maximal Leakage (PML): Our foundational paper introducing PML has been accepted in July 2023 to be published in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, PML is a promising novel robust privacy measure that allows provable quantitative privacy risk assessment, preprint available arXiv:2205.04935.

  • Workshop Digitalisation in Transport research: On Sept 20, 2022, KTH Digitalisation and Transport research platforms organize workshop “Autonomous transportation - Challenge in digitalisation and solution to sustainability.” More information and registration can be found here link.

  • Workshop Security for Industry: On May 23, 2021, KTH Digitalisation and Industrial Transformation research platforms organize workshop “Security for Industry - How to avoid a Cyber Attack.” More information and registration can be found here link.

  • VR project grant: The Swedish Research council has granted our exciting project proposal “Fundamental bounds for Distributed Decision-making,” with collaborator Mael Le Treust, CNRS researcher as co-PI, starting 2021 where we will re-visit the Witsenhausen problem with a fresh approach. Our initial results building on our initial works such as ITW 2019 paper already reveal interesting insights.

  • Workshop AI for Life Science: On Oct 14, 2020, KTH Digitalisation and Life Science research platforms organize workshop “AI for Life Science.” More information and registration can be found here link.

  • Giulia joined faculty at Univ. Lille: Our former post-doc Giulia Cervia became Assistant Professor at IMT Lille Douai in Sept 2020.

  • Workshop Digitalisation for Urban Sustainability: On Sept 10, KTH Digitalisation research platform was co-organizer of the workshop “Digitalization for Urban Sustainability.” More information and registration can be found here link.

  • Zuxing joined faculty at Tongji Univ: My former PhD student Zuxing Li became Assistant Professor at Tongji University in June 2020.

  • KTH Digitalization Platform: Since Feb 2019, I am the director of the KTH Digitalisation research platform.

  • Project ULISSES: Jan 2019, EU project ULISSES started where we are developing innovative sensor calibration algorithms based on statistical inference and learning.

  • EECS Strategic Council: In April 2018, I have been elected as teacher representative to the school's strategic council.

  • Project STOMP: In Nov 2016, the Swedish Energy Agency has granted our project proposal “STOMP - Energy STOrage for smart Meter Privacy.” I am looking forward to investigate with my colleague D. Mansson and our newly recruited PhD students how we can ensure privacy in future smart grids.

  • VR project grant: In Nov 2016, I got informed that my project proposal on distributed source coding with security and privacy submitted to the Swedish Research Council (VR) has been granted. Soon, I am going to look for a new PhD student to work with me on this exciting project.

This homepage has been initially set up in autumn 2016, is irregularly maintained by Tobias Oechtering, and contains only personal information and views.