Infinite-horizon LQR

Problem statement

\begin{equation} \mbox{minimize}\quad J_\infty(z) = \sum_{t=0}^{\infty} x_t^TQx_t + u_t^TRu_t \end{equation}

$ \mbox{where}\quad x_{t+1} = Ax_t + B u_t, \quad x_0 = z $

$ \mbox{and}\quad Q \succ 0,\quad R \succ 0 $


  1. $(A,B)$ is controllable. This means that whatever the initial condition, there exists a sequence of inputs that drive the system to zero, and as a result, that the cost function is finite.
  2. $(A,Q^{1/2})$ is observable. With this assumption, all states are considered in the cost function which leads to stability guarantees.


The optimal control to the system (1) is a static linear feedback

$ u_t = -L x_t $


$ L = (R+B^TPB)^{-1}B^TPA $

$ P = Q + A^TPA - A^TPB(R+B^TPB)^{-1}B^TPA $

The closed-loop system is exponentially stable.