
This is the personal webpage of Linnea Persson. I am a former PhD Student at the division of Decision and Control Systems (DCS) (2016-2021). I did my PhD as a part of the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP) under the supervision of Professor Bo Wahlberg. My PhD was successfully defended on June 8th, 2021. Before this, I graduated from the degree Programme in Engineering Physics in 2016, with a M.Sc in Systems, Control & Robotics.

My interests include collaborative control, model predictive control, autonomous systems and aerospace applications.

  • My PhD thesis, titled "Model Predictive Control for Cooperative Rendezvous of Autonomous Unmanned Vehicles", was successfully defended on June 8th 2021. The thesis opponent was Professor Jonathan How (MIT). In the thesis committee was Dr. Johanna Axehill (Saab), Professor Jan Swevers (KU Leuven), and Professor Tor Arne Johansen (NTNU). The thesis is available in DiVA.
  • Because I no longer work at KTH, this webpage will not be kept up to date anymore.

Recent publications


  • Video about what we are doing in the autonomous systems project of WASP

The segment at KTH starts 10 minutes into the video.

  • Video showing a simulated landing. The code is available on my GitHub.