FEP3301: Computational Game Theory

Graduate course

Period 2, 2023/2024

8 ECTS credits

The course will be given in P2 2025. Please see "schedule" for lecture dates. Lectures are planned to be held on campus. Please send me an email if you plan to take the course.
Game theory is becoming increasingly important in many areas of computer science and engineering where autonomic agents interact with each other and aim to maximize their individual utilities. This course focuses on the areas of game theory that appear to be most relevant for engineering applications. The emphasis is both on theoretical principles and on the application of the theory to problem formulation and problem solving. The course covers a range of topics, from the different concepts of equilibria and different kinds of games, to evolutionary game theory. The course also covers topics in mechanism design, which deals with the problem of designing rules of a game such that a specific outcome is reached.

General information

Course description

This year's course

Course responsible: György Dán (E-mail: My email)