Research interests |
My research focuses on the design, modeling and evaluation of networked systems for distributed storage, computing and control. My research group works on resource allocation
and learning problems for performance, resilience and security risk management with applications in content distribution, critical infrastructures, and mobile computation offloading.
- Applied game theory
- Critical infrastructure security (smart grid, smart cities, transportation)
- Mobile edge computing
- Cache networks
Research Group |
I have the pleasure of working with the following outstanding graduate students:
- Ehsan Poorhadi, 2019 - (co-advisor)
- Samie Mostafavi, 2019 - (co-advisor)
- Feridun Tütüncüoglu, 2020 - (main advisor)
- Vishnu Moothedath, 2021 - (co-advisor)
- Yeongwoo Kim, 2021 - (main advisor)
- Kiarash Kazari, 2022 - (main advisor)
- Adam Hasselberg, 2022 - (main advisor)
- Mauricio Byrd Victorica, 2022 - (main advisor)
- Arshad Javeed, 2024 - (main advisor)
- Axel Andersson, 2024 - (main advisor)
and post-docs:
In the past I worked with these excellent graduate students:
- Lamia Varawala, 2017 - 2023 (at Qubos Systematic)
- Ezzeldin Shereen, 2016 - 2021 (at The Alan Turing institute)
- Peiyue Zhao, PhD, 2016 - 2021 (at Ericsson)
- Sladana Josilo, PhD, 2015 - 2020 (at Ericsson Research)
- Emil Eriksson, Tek.Lic, 2013 - 2017
- Valentino Pacifici, PhD, 2011 - 2016 (at Sana Labs)
- Ognjen Vukovic, PhD, 2009 - 2014 (at Google)
- Ilias Chatzidrossos, PhD, 2007 - 2012 (at Spotify)
and postdocs:
- Aris Kanellopoulos, 2022 - 2024
- Yan Kyaw Tun, 2022-2023, (Ass. Prof. at Aalborg University)
- Raksha Ramakrishna, 2020 - 2022, (at Ericsson Research)
- Serkan Sarıtaş, 2018 - 2021, (Ass. Prof. at Middle East Technical University)
- Qing He, 2017 - 2021 (Assoc. Prof. at Mid Sweden University)
- Dr. Zuxing Li, 2019-2020 (Ass. Prof. at Tongji University)
- Dr. Hussein Al-Zubaidy, 2013-2015 (Huawei Technologies)
- Dr. Nunzio Torrisi, 2013 (Prof. at Universidade Federal do ABC)
Visiting graduate students:
- Ayoub Ben Ameur, PhD, Telecom SudParis, 2023
- Andrea Araldo, PhD, Telecom Paristech, 2015-2016 (Prof. at Telecom SudParis)
- Moises Rodrigues, PhD, Federal Uni. of Pernambuco, 2015 (at Spotify)
- Soren Aagaard Mikkelsen, PhD, Aarhus Univ., 2014 (Mjoelner Informatics A/S)
Research projects |
Ongoing projects:
- VR DICE6G - Distributed MIMO with Intelligent Edge Computing Services enabling Energy- and Cost-efficient 6G Networks (2025-2028) (Co-PI, PI E. Björnsson)
- VR REACT - Robust Active Learning for Semi-autonomous Intrusion Detection (2025-2028)
- MSCA DN FINALITY - Safe Learning for Large scaLe Interconnected Systems (2025-2029)
- WASP NEST DYNACON - DYNamic Attack detection and mitigation for seCure autONomy (2024-2029) (Co-PI, PI Henrik Sandberg)
- Digital Futures CAVeAT - Connected Automated Vehicles trialling and Trustworthiness (2024-2025)
- VR Inside Ellipsoid Outside Sphere (IEOS) methodology for large-scale nonconvex optimization
and pricing in power systems (2023-2026) (Co-PI, PI M.R. Hesamzadeh)
- KTH Railway Group RailTrust - Trustworthy Autonomy for Railways (2022-2027)
- SSF Resilient Stateful Serverless Computing at the Edge (2022 - 2026) (Co-PI, PI P. Carbone)
- VR RESIST - Resilient Networked Systems in Adversarial Environments (2021 - 2024)
- Vinnova Trustworthy Edge Computing Systems and Applications (TECoSA) (2020-2029) (Co-PI, PI M. Törngren)
Past projects:
- Digital Futures/Digital Transformation Institute CLAIRE - Causal Reasoning for Real-Time Attack Identification in Cyber-Physical Systems (2022-2024)
- H2020 Rewire (2020 - 2024)
- MSB Center for resilient critical Infrastructures (Cerces2) (2020-2024) (Co-PI, PI H. S\
- SSF Cyber-Security for Learning and Control Systems (CLAS) (2018-2023) (Co-PI, PI A. Proutiere)
- EIT Digital DataWallet: Privacy-preserving Personal Data Brokerage (2021-2022)
- EIT Digital DataWallet: Privacy-preserving Personal Data Brokerage (2021-2022)
- Digital Futures Susan's ride on Campus (2021-2023)
- Smart Wayside Object Controller (SWOC, X2Rail-4) (2020-2022)
- MSB Center for resilient critical Infrastructures (Cerces) (2015-2020)
- VR Networked Systems with Predictable Performance (2015 - 2018)
- EIT Digital EuroIDProxy: Identity and Attribute Brokerage (2020)
- EIT Digital SOIAM: Security Orchestrated Identity and Access Management (2019)
- EIT Digital SOC4CI: Security Operations Center for Critical Infrastructures (2017 - 2018)
- H2020 Securing Critical Energy Infrastructures (SUCCESS) project (2016-2018)
- SSF Mobile Data Analytics at the Network Edge (Modane) (2015 - 2017)
- EIT Digital IntelliSec (2016)
- EU FP7 FET GreenEyes (2012-2015)
- VR Price of Selfishness in Networked Systems (2011-2013)
- EU FP7 Viking (2008-2011)
- EU FP7 OneLab2 (2008-2011)
Awards and Honors |
- PhD supervisor of the year, 2020, at KTH
- 2018 IEEE Sweden Joint VT-COM-IT Chapter Best Student Conference Paper award for the paper "A Game Theoretic Analysis of Selfish Mobile Computation Offloading,'' in Proc. of IEEE Infocom, May 2017
- IEEE Infocom'18 Best poster award for our poster ``Decentralized Fog Computing Resource Management for Offloading of Periodic Tasks''
- IEEE ComSoc/ISOC Internet technical committee best paper award for 2016-2017, for the paper "Stochastic Dynamic Cache Partitioning for Encrypted Content Delivery" (extended version published in IEEE/ACM ToN)
- Distinguished member of IEEE Infocom TPC 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019
- Best paper award at Swedish National Computer Networking Workshop (SNCNW'13)
- Fulbright research scholarship at Univ. of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, 2012/2013
- Best student paper award at 23rd International Teletraffic Congress (2011)
- Best paper award at IEEE Peer-to-peer Computing 2010
- Best paper award at IFIP/TC6 Networking 2008
- Author of the 1st prize winning business plan at Venture Cup Öst 2003 organized by McKinsey and Co.
- Winner of the Excitera KTH Innovation Challenge 2003
Positions |
Short biography |
- PhD, KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, 2006
- Licentiate of Technology, KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, 2004
- Graduate studies at the Budapest University of Technology and
Economics, Department of Telecommunications, 1999-
- Summer practice in Ibagué, Colombia at Electrificadora
del Tolima S.A. organized by IAESTE, 1999
- 1 Semester at the Institute for Program Structures
and Data Organization, University of Karlsruhe, Germany (compiler construction), 1996
- M.Sc. in Business Administration from the Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary. Major
in Foreign Economics and Management of Services, 1996-2003
(Master Thesis: Effects of E-business on Business Market Relations)
- M.Sc. in Computer Engineering from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary. Major in
Telecommunications and Artificial Intelligence. 1994-1999
Professional activities |
- General co-chair: GameSec 2019
- PC co-chair: Euro-Par 2013, IEEE SmartGridComm 2014 Security and Privacy Symposium, IEEE SmartGridComm 2018 Data Analytics and Computation Symposium, International Teletraffic Congress 2019, SmartGridComm 2020, SmartGridComm 2023, ICC 2021 SAC on Smart Grid Communications
- Area editor for Elsevier Computer Communications (2012-2020), IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing (2019-2023)
Poster and demo chair: ACM e-Energy 2024
Workshop co-chair: IEEE ICDCS 2020, IEEE SECON 2023
Local Organizing Committee: QoFIS 2003
Program Committee Member: ACM GreenMetrics 2009-2013,IEEE ICCCN 2009, NGI 2009-2011, IEEE ICME 2008, WICON 2007, IEEE BoD 2006-2010, IEEE SmartGridComm 2011,2019, IEEE GlobeCom Workshop on SGCOMNETS 2011, 3DTV-Conference 2010,2012, IEEE Infocom 2013-2020, ACM MMSys 2017, IEEE ICC SGC 2016-2020, IEEE GlobeCom SGC 2019, IEEE PerCom 2014, IEEE CAMAD 2017-2019, ICDCS 2019-2020, Euro-Par 2019, IEEE Smart Grid Synchrophasor Measurement and Analytics Conf. 2019,2021, WMNC 2019, ACM e-Energy 2018-2020, ITC32
- Workshop chair: IEEE ICME 2015
- Local organization chair: IFIP/TC6 Networking 2017
Publicity co-chair: International Wireless Internet Conference (WICON) 2008
Member of the ACM SIGCOMM Shadow Program Committee, Philadelphia, PA, August 2005
Reviewer for: IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, ACM TOMCCAP, IEEE JSAC, IEEE TNSM, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, IEEE Trans. on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, Performance Evaluation, IEEE Communications Magazine, Int. J. of Network Management, Telecommunication Systems Journal, Computer Networks Journal, ACM Trans. on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, ACM Springer Wireless Networks Journal, ETRI Journal, IEEE HPSR'10, IEEE ANM'08, QoSIP 2008, Packet Video 2007, IEEE ICME 2007, IEEE Infocom 2008, IEEE ICCCN 2009, Co-Next 2005, IEEE VTC 2005-2014, IEEE WCNC 2010, IEEE SmartGridComm 2012, American Control Conference (ACC) 2012,2018,2019, IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control (CDC) 2013, IEEE PowerTech 2013, IEEE Globecom 2013