Deterministic information-exchange with epidemics in multihop wireless networks


Deterministic neighbor discovery protocols on the other hand, schedule listening and transmission phases to offer a deterministic guarantee on the worst-case neighbor discovery time.

In this work, we therefore propose protocol enhancements that allow for faster average discovery times while maintaining the same worst-case guarantees. Specifically, we propose an epidemic information dissemination mechanism to speed up the discovery times in deterministic neighbor discovery protocols. The main idea is to let each node broadcast information about the beaconing slot locations of already discovered neighbors, so that other nodes in the network that are neighbors to these nodes can discover them much earlier. This simple extension to classical neighbor discovery protocols has two key advantages which lead to strong performance improvements while still ensuring determinism in the discovery.

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Our protocol is an asynchronous cyclic slot-based deterministic discovery protocol based on the ideas developed by previous protocols of this type (emph{e.g.}, Searchlight, Hello}). These protocols operate in cycles defined by two parameters: (a) the period of p slots and (b) the hyper-period n specifying the number of periods within a cycle. Slot sizes are fixed and equal for all nodes. To save energy, nodes are not active throughout, but wake up and communicate occasionally. A discovery occurs when the active slots of two nodes overlap. Active slots are classified into two categories: (i) anchor slots, which always occupy the first position within a period, and (ii) probe slots, whose positions within the cycle vary with time.

Searchlight is based on the observation that the temporal distance between the anchor slots of any two nodes is constant and upper bounded by leftlfloor frac{p}{2} rightrfloor. Hence, by adding an additional probing action that searches slots 1, 2, dots, lfloor frac{p}{2}rfloor, discovery is guaranteed. Specifically, Searchlight increments the probe slot position by one every hyper-period, and resets the position to 1 when it exceeds lfloor frac{p}{2} rfloor. In this way, Searchlight uses leftlfloor frac{p}{2} rightrfloor hyper-periods and the total number of slots required for discovery is never more than T = pleftlfloor frac{p}{2}rightrfloor.


In deterministic neighbor discovery protocols, the positions of the active slots (both anchor and probe slots) for each node are pre-determined. This means that once the period and the position of an anchor are known, one is able to determine where the future anchor slots will appear. Based on this observation, we propose a protocol that lets nodes convey information about already discovered neighbors in their beacons. This allows for nodes that receive a discovery beacon to compute the anchor location of nodes that it has not yet detected itself, and target its probing actions to these slots. The use of epidemic information allows to maintain similar worst-case characteristics to other deterministic neighbor discovery protocols, but improves the practical pairwise neighbor discovery times and the average neighbor discovery termination times (when all nodes have discovered all their neighbors).

Protocol schedule design

Epidemic probing, activates extra probe slots to rapidly discover possible neighbors within a hyper period.

Epidemic probing mechanism

Each node i maintains, among others, data about its one-hop neighbors. We will demonstrate how this data can be spread epidemically and how nodes can use it to target discovery probes to speed up the neighbor discovery process.

Consider a node i and let t_i denote the number of time slots since the node was booted. Then

 t = o_i + t_i,

where o_i is an unknown offset between the global and local notions of time. The local timer t_i can be also expressed in terms of its period p_i and its offset delta_i (t_i) from the anchor slot of the emph{current period} (emph{i.e.}, the period that slot t_{i} belongs to):

 t_i=kappa_i(t) p_i + delta_i (t),

where kappa_i(t) = (t - o_i) ~div~ p_i is the number of periods that have passed since boot time of node i, and delta_i(t)= (t - o_i) mod~ p_i is the number of time slots since the most recent period start. Although nodes do not have access to the global time t, they always know the corresponding values of kappa_i(t) and delta_i(t).

Let t_{ij} be the time (or the slot, since we assume that the slots of all nodes are aligned) emph{of the global clock} at which node i discovers node j. Since we assume mutual discovery, t_{ij}equiv t_{ji}. When node i discovers node j, it shares (i) the number of slots delta_i(t_{ij}) of the current slot from the anchor slot of the current period and the size of its period p_i. Node j shares the corresponding information with node i. Thus, node j can deduce that future anchor slots of node i will appear at

 t_{ij} - delta_i (t_{ij})+k p_i, quad k=1,2, ldots,

and, similarly, node i can deduce that future anchors of node j will appear at slots

 t_{ij} - delta_j (t_{ij})+m p_j, quad m=1,2, ldots.

As a result, given the offset and the period, each of the nodes can determine when anchor slots of the other node will appear. For example, node j can compute the offset of the anchor slots of node i emph{relative to its own anchor slots} as the difference between the future anchor slots for both nodes, i.e., by subtracting the first two equations to find

 delta_{ji}(t_{ij},k,m)  =t_{ij} - delta_i (t_{ij})+k p_i -(t_{ij} - delta_j (t_{ij})+m p_j) = delta_j(t_{ij}) - delta_i(t_{ij}) - m p_j + k p_i ,

where k,min N (N is the set of natural numbers). This will be the key expression for computing and updating delta_{ij}, the offset to the first anchor slot of node j relative to the start of the most recent period of node i. Note that no reference to global time is needed to evaluate the expression, all that is required is the quantity delta_{i}(t_{ij})-delta_j(t_{ij}) and the period size of the nodes.

By increasing k and m node j finds the number of slots between the k-th anchor slot (after the discovery time) of node i and the m-th anchor slot of node j. As a result, at every time instant t, node j is able to determine delta_{i}(t) of every node i discovered so far.

In our protocol, node j computes the offset delta_{ji}(t,k,m) at every anchor slot. Even though it is not necessary, for simplicity of exposition we assume that the offsets are updated also at the probe slots where there can be a new discovery and a node has to share information with other nodes. In this case, at a discovery time t_{ i ell}, node i can provide the triplet {j, delta_j(t_{iell}), p_j} about already discovered node j to any newly discovered node ell. Then, node ell follows the same procedure for computing the relative offset delta_{ell j} as in equation above.

Targeted probes for direct discovery

When nodes j and ell discover each other, node j provides, apart from its information (delta_j(t_{jell}) and p_j), the corresponding information for all nodes i discovered by j until time instant t_{jell}. As a result, node ell can determine the location of the anchor slots of node j (for passing this information to future discoveries) and those of its discovered neighbors, for which it will initiate targeted probes for direct discovery.

At discovery of node i by node j, m=0 and node j computes delta_{ji} by adjusting k until it finds the smallest non-negative value of delta_{ji}(t_{ij},k,0); if we denote the corresponding k by k_0, we have delta_{ji}(t_{ij},k_0, 0). At the next period start of node i, m=1 so

 delta_{ji}=delta_{ji}(t_{ij},k, 1) =delta_j(t_{ij}) - delta_i(t_{ij}) -  p_j + k p_i =delta_{ji}(t_{ij},k_0, 0)+ (k-k_0) p_j - p_i .

To maintain its data structure up to date, node j now needs to adjust delta_{ji}(t_{ij},k_0, 0) so that it becomes equal to the smallest non-negative value of delta_{ji}(t_{ij},k, 1). We see from the expression above that we can do this by subtracting p_i from the current value of delta_{ji}, and then add multiples of p_j until the value becomes non-negative.


In deterministic neighbor discovery for which every period p has an anchor, the duty cycle gamma is given by


where n is the number of periods in a hyper-period. Without receiving any epidemic information, the duty-cycle is the same as the deterministic neighbor discovery protocol used as the basis of our algorithm; in this case it is Searchlight. If there is activation of extra probe slots due to epidemic discovery, our protocol uses extra slots. Therefore, the instantaneous duty-cycle in period k is given by

 gamma_k = frac{n+ lfloor frac{p}{2}rfloor + nu_k}{n lfloor frac{p}{2}rfloor},

where nu_k is the total number of extra slots activated during period k. When we use Searchlight and striped transmission, the instantaneous duty-cycle becomes

 gamma_k = frac{2(1+Delta)+nu_k(1+Delta)}{p}.

As k increases and almost all neighbors have been discovered, nu_k goes to zero and the instantaneous duty-cycle is the same as that of Searchlight. The average duty cycle over k periods is given by

 gamma =frac{1}{k}sum_{j=1}^k gamma_j = frac{2(1+Delta)k+sum_{j=1}^knu_j(1+Delta)}{pk} .

The average duty cycle as k goes to infinity is given by

 gamma = lim_{krightarrow infty}  frac{2(1+Delta)k+sum_{j=1}^knu_j(1+Delta)}{pk}=frac{2(1+Delta)}{p}+frac{(1+Delta)}{t}lim_{krightarrow infty}frac{sum_{j=1}^knu_j}{k} =frac{2(1+Delta)}{p},

which is the same as that of Searchlight.

Performance evaluation

We study the following key metrics: (i) discovery latency, i.e., the longest time recorded for any node in the network to discover all its neighbors; (ii) energy consumption, quantified by the duty cycle during the discovery process; and (iii) the performance in dynamic scenarios, where two networks merge, or a single node joins an already converged network.

Worst-case latency


The Figure compares the discovery latency of Searchlight with its epidemic counterpart for clique networks networks with different number of nodes.

The figure is based on 1000 network realizations (that is, 1000 different realizations of the period offsets for the nodes), each of which is simulated for t^2/4 time slots. We have used p = 200, which corresponds to a duty cycle of 1% and a worst-case discovery time for Searchlightof 10000 slots.

Observation: When there are only two nodes in the network, Searchlightand our epidemic discovery protocol are equivalent. However, as the number of nodes increase, the likelihood that two nodes have an unfortunate offset increases, and many node pairs experience a latency close to the worst-case bound. With epidemic probing, on the other hand, the performance improves as the network size increases. This result can be explained from the fact the larger the clique size, the more information tends to be conveyed by the epidemic probing, and the faster the discovery process comes to an end.

Energy consumption


The behavior is similar for asymmetric periods p = 200 and p = 133, corresponding to duty cycles of 1% and 1.5%, respectively.

Observation: Average energy consumption over time (top) and instant energy consumption (bottom) for asymmetric (left) and symmetric (right) discovery. There is an initial increase in the energy consumption, due to the discovery process, but after a while the average energy returns to its nominal value.

Dynamic scenarios

The dynamic increase in duty cycles “when needed” is particularly useful in dynamic scenarios. To make the point, we first consider a scenario where two fully converged networks merge. On such scenario could be when two buses drop their passengers, whose devices have discovered each other during the bus ride, simultaneously at a bus station. The epidemic probing then allows to bootstrap the discovery process at the bus station and allows a rapid and energy efficient discovery of the complete network.


Merging two clique networks (left) and a node joins a fully converged clique network (right). At t = 10300 we merge both cliques, and the results show that there is a small increase on the average dutycycle, while the instant duty-cycle grows slightly. When a node joins a network and due to epidemics, it quickly gathers network information, and the results indicate that it reflects on its instant energy consumption.

Observation: The initial network discovery on each bus is similar to previous simulations. However, when the two nodes merge, the discovery of the full network is both faster and much more energy efficient. This performance improvement is because when the networks merge, the nodes convey a lot of epidemic information already from the start.

We show the energy consumption when a single node joins a converged network. This node can discover all its neighbors quickly and a modest and temporary increase of duty cycle. The impact on the energy consumption of the other network node is very limited.

Extension to multihop networks

In practice, the network topology is often more complicated than a single clique, and packet transmissions are unreliable. This section extends the concepts developed in the previous sections to neighbor discovery in general networks.

Determ network 

An example of a random network topology with N = 50 nodes.

When the network is subject to losses (due to fading or collisions), we cannot just probe once, but should allow for a few discovery attempts. This leads us to include a retry limit r on the number of times we attempt to probe a node after it has become known to us. The selection of r involves a trade-off between energy expenditure for targeted probing of nodes that are not neighbors and the the probability of failing to detect direct neighbors.

Energy consumption

Determ muhop energy 

Average (top) and instantaneous (bottom) energy (duty-cycle) over time in a multihop network using asymmetric (left, p = f200; 133g) and symmetric (right, p = f200; 200g) discovery. Nodes with many neighbors will experience a high duty-cycle at the beginning due to epidemics since it will activate many extra slots to discover its neighbors.

Experimental validation: Indriya testbed

We conducted all our experiments at the Indriya testbed. Indriya is a large-scale and low-power wireless sensor network testbed, consisting of 100 TelosB motes built on an active-USB infrastructure at National University of Singapore.

Average node degree

Determ network 

Average number of neighbor nodes discovered using epidemic discovery. The use of epidemics boosts considerable the total number of neighbors discovered. The solid-thick line is the total number of neighbors discovered, that is the sum of the direct discovery (dot-star ) and the indirect discoveries (dotted).

Instant and average duty-cycle

Determ muhop energy 

The Figure shows how the instantaneous duty-cycle increases momentarily, and then returns to the nominal 1%-duty cycle of Searchlight, much like what we observed in simulations.

Observation: The small peaks observed during the stationary period are due to discovery attempts of nodes not previously known. This is also an artefact of lossy communication: sometimes, the epidemic dissemination is delayed due to packet losses. The inner plot highlights the location-dependent performance, where nodes with large two-hop neighborhoods have high peak duty cycles, while sparsely connected nodes have lower energy consumption.


We have proposed a simple yet novel protocol for rapid and deterministic neighbor discovery that employs epidemic probing, a mechanism that dynamically increases the number of active slots whenever this is likely to be useful. During network formation or topology changes, the protocol temporarily spends more energy in speeding up discovery and then returns to a low-energy mode. This results in a protocol with dramatically decreased discovery times and a long-term average energy consumption close to the current state-of-the-art Searchlight protocol. Significant performance benefits were reported in simulations and realworld deployments, in cliques and multi-hop networks, and under reliable and unreliable communication.