Before you arrive
For more information on the CySeP Winter School, please contact:
- Panos Papadimitratos
- Email:
- Tel: +46 8 790 4263
Fax: +46 8 790 8400
For comments and questions related to the CySeP web site, please contact:
- Thanassis Giannetsos
- Email:
- Tel: +46 8 790 4270
Once you are in Stockholm or on campus
Feel free to call us:
- Thanassis Giannetsos: +46 (0)8 790 4270
- Connie Linell: +46 (0)70 9721 089
To find us, head to:
- Osquldas vag. 10
Floor 5, Room A:537
Map and instructions
To find the CySeP venue: Please check the venue page.