ESYSim is a visualization tool for simulating many-core systems. It has been developed over the years and it is now open-source [GitHub]. VisualNoC is a visualization platform for Networks-on-Chip and is part of ESYSim, published in [PDF][Link].
On-going Projects
SSF (Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research) 2020-2022: "Deep Learning on the Edge", role as PI.
STINT (The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education) 2019-2022: "A reconfigurable platform for neural network computing", role as PI.
Closed Projects
VR (Swedish Research Council) 2017-2021: "Shift from fine-grained physical-level reliability to coarse-grained system-level reliability", role as PI.
EU-MarieCurie-Vinnova 2014-2018: “Towards the next generation of robust and reliable embedded systems”, role as PI.
Academy of Finland 2014-2017: "Reliable many-core embedded systems from unreliable components", role as PI.
TES 2013-2014: A 1-year postdoc project from Finnish Foundation for Technology Promotion (Tekniikan edistämissäätiö, role as PI.