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Protect autonomous systems from cyber-attacks targeting control systems

About the project

Cyber-attacks targeting control systems, found in autonomous systems, are a relatively recent phenomenon. Unfortunately, it can have a devastating impact and harm both humans and the environment. In DYNACON four leading research groups in cyber physical security (control systems, real-time systems, communication and network security) at KTH, Lund University and Linköping University join forces to address the challenges of cyber-attacks in autonomous systems. The group will tackle issues such as false data and manipulation of timestamps. The idea is to use trusted embedded devices as well as cryptographic authentication when necessary. Also, they will look into how detection and observer schemes can be developed to handle attacks both in the local and the supervisory control.

DYNACON Block Diagram


Henrik Sandberg
E-mail: hsan@kth.se
Phone: +46 (0)8 790 7294