Contact info

Mobile: +46 (0)707 237 002
Skype: hakanterelius -
Google Scholar -
Mailing address
Automatic Control
School of Electrical Engineering
Royal Institute of Technology
SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden -
Visiting address
Osquldas väg 10, 6th floor
KTH Main Campus, Stockholm
Research Interests
My general research interest is in control of distributed systems, bridging the gap between theoretical computer science and control theory. In particular, I'm studying dynamic network topologies, with applications in distributed control, peer-to-peer networks and social networks.
Fri, 11 Nov 2016
PhD defense
I (successfully!) defended my PhD thesis on November 11, 2016. I would like to take a moment to thank the automatic control department for the amazing past couple of years I have had, the great people I have met and the many fantastic moments I have shared. But as all great things come to an end, I am also very happy to continue my carrier with my new employer Google.
So long and thanks for all the fish! /Håkan
Mon, 17 Oct 2016
PhD defense announcement
I am happy to announce that I will defend my PhD thesis on November 11, 14:00 in F3, Lindstedtsvägen 26. Prof. Giacomo Como will be my opponent at the defense.
Sun, 24 Jul 2016
Conference on Decision and Control paper accepted
Our paper “On the optimal location of distribution centers for a one-dimensional transportation system” has been accepted for publication at the 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, to be held on December 12-14, 2016, in Las Vegas, USA.
Thu, 21 Apr 2016
Article accepted in European Journal of Control
Our paper Networked control challenges in collaborative road freight transport has been accepted to the European Journal of Control.
Thu, 17 Dec 2015
54th Conference on Decision and Control
Attended the 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control in Osaka, Japan, and presented our paper An efficiency measure for road transportation networks with application to two case studies.