Selected Publications
- "A Reconfigurable Stream-Based FPGA Accelerator for Bayesian Confidence Propagation Neural Networks", Muhammad Ihsan Al Hafiz1, Naresh Ravichandran, Anders Lansner, Pawel Herman, and Artur Podobas, Springer ARC, 2025
- "Algorithms for Fast Spiking Neural Network Simulation on FPGAs", BA Lindqvist and A Podobas, IEEE Access 2024
- "Accelerating Scientific Application through Transparent I/O Interposition", Chien, Sato, Podobas et al., 2024 (preprint)
- "At the locus of performance: Quantifying the effects of copious 3D-stacked cache on HPC workloads", multiple authors, ACM TACO 20, 2023
- "VESTEC: Visual Exploration and Sampling Toolkit for Extreme Computing Urgent decision making meets HPC: Experiences and future challenges", Flatken, Podobas, Fellegara et al., 2023
- "Q2Logic: A Coarse-Grained FPGA Overlay targeting Schrödinger Quantum Circuit Simulations", Podobas, IPDPSW'23, 2023
- "Evaluation of reduced routing resources for HPC-Oriented CGRAs", Adhi, Cortes, Tan, Kojima, Podobas, and Sano, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 2023
- "The cost of flexibility: Embedded versus discrete routers in CGRAs for HPC", Adhi, Cortes, Tan, Kojima, Podobas, and Sano, CLUSTER'23, 2022
- "Reducing communication in the conjugate gradient method: a case study on high-order finite elements", Karp, Jansson, Podobas, et al., PASC'22, 20223
- "Exploration framework for synthesizable CGRAs targeting HPC: initial design and evaluation", Adhi, Cortes, Tan, Kojima, Podobas, and Sano, IPDPS'22, 2023
- "A high-fidelity flow solver for unstructured meshes on field-programmable gate arrays: Design, evaluation, and future challenges", Karp, Podobas et al., HPC Asia'22, 2022
- "Exploring inter-tile connectivity for hpc-oriented cgra with lower resource usage", Adhi, Cortes, Tan, Kojima, Podobas, and Sano, FPT'22, 2022
- "A review on parallel virtual screening softwares for high-performance computers", Murugan, Podobas et al., Pharmaceuticals 15 , 2022
- "Higgs Boson Classification: Brain-inspired BCPNN Learning with StreamBrain", Svedin, Podobas, Chien, and Markidis, CLUSTER'21, 2024
- "Benchmarking the nvidia gpu lineage: From early k80 to modern a100 with asynchronous memory transfers", Svedin, Chien, Chikafa, Jansson, and Podobas, HEART'21, 2021
- "Streambrain: an hpc framework for brain-like neural networks on cpus, gpus and fpgas", Podobas et al., HEART'21, 2021
- "Matrix engines for high performance computing: A paragon of performance or grasping at straws?", many authors, IPDPS'21, 2021
- "High-performance spectral element methods on field-programmable gate arrays: implementation, evaluation, and future projection", Karp, Podobas, et al., IPDPS'21, 2021
- "Extending High-Level Synthesis with High-Performance Computing Performance Visualization", Huthmann, Podobas, et al., CLUSTER'20, 2020
- "A survey on coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures from a performance perspective", Podobas, Sano, and Matsuoka, IEEE Access, 2020
- "A template-based framework for exploring coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures", Podobas, Sano, and Matsuoka, ASAP'20, 2020
- "OpenMP device offloading to FPGAs using the Nymble infrastructure", Huthmann, Sommer, Podobas et al., IWOMP'20, 2020
- "Scaling performance for N-Body stream computation with a ring of FPGAs", Huthmann, Shin, Podobas, et al., HEART'19, 2019
- "Double-precision fpus in high-performance computing: an embarrassment of riches?", multiple authors, IPDPS'19, 2019
- "Learning neural representations for predicting GPU performance", Salaria, Drozd, Podobas, and Matsuoka, ISC'19, 2019
- "Predicting performance using collaborative filtering", Salaria, Drozd, Podobas, and Matsuoka, CLUSTER'19, 2019
- "High-performance high-order stencil computation on fpgas using opencl", Zohouri, Podobas, and Matsuoka, IPDPSW'18, 2018
- "Hardware implementation of POSITs and their application in FPGAs", Podobas and Matsuoka, IPDPSW'18, 2018
- "Combined spatial and temporal blocking for high-performance stencil computation on FPGAs using OpenCL", Zohouri, Podobas, and Matsuoka, FPGA'18, 2018
- "MACC: An OpenACC transpiler for automatic multi-GPU use", Matsumura, Sato, Boku, Podobas, and Matsuoka, SCAsia'18, 2018
- "Designing and accelerating spiking neural networks using OpenCL for FPGAs", Podobas and Matsuoka, FPT'17, 2017
- "Evaluating high-level design strategies on FPGAs for high-performance computing", Podobas, Zohouri, Maruyama, and Matsuoka, FPL'17, 2017
- "Empowering openmp with automatically generated hardware", Podobas and Brorsson, SAMOS'16, 2016
- "Accelerating Parallel Computations with OpenMP-Driven System-on-Chip Generation for FPGAs", Podobas, MCSoC'14, 2014
- "TurboBŁYSK: scheduling for improved data-driven task performance with fast dependency resolution", Podobas, Brorsson, and Vlassov, IWOMP'14, 2014 [BEST PAPER]