Selected Publications

  1. "A Reconfigurable Stream-Based FPGA Accelerator for Bayesian Confidence Propagation Neural Networks", Muhammad Ihsan Al Hafiz1, Naresh Ravichandran, Anders Lansner, Pawel Herman, and Artur Podobas, Springer ARC, 2025
  2. "Algorithms for Fast Spiking Neural Network Simulation on FPGAs", BA Lindqvist and A Podobas, IEEE Access 2024
  3. "Accelerating Scientific Application through Transparent I/O Interposition", Chien, Sato, Podobas et al., 2024 (preprint)
  4. "At the locus of performance: Quantifying the effects of copious 3D-stacked cache on HPC workloads", multiple authors, ACM TACO 20, 2023
  5. "VESTEC: Visual Exploration and Sampling Toolkit for Extreme Computing Urgent decision making meets HPC: Experiences and future challenges", Flatken, Podobas, Fellegara et al., 2023
  6. "Q2Logic: A Coarse-Grained FPGA Overlay targeting Schrödinger Quantum Circuit Simulations", Podobas, IPDPSW'23, 2023
  7. "Evaluation of reduced routing resources for HPC-Oriented CGRAs", Adhi, Cortes, Tan, Kojima, Podobas, and Sano, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 2023
  8. "The cost of flexibility: Embedded versus discrete routers in CGRAs for HPC", Adhi, Cortes, Tan, Kojima, Podobas, and Sano, CLUSTER'23, 2022
  9. "Reducing communication in the conjugate gradient method: a case study on high-order finite elements", Karp, Jansson, Podobas, et al., PASC'22, 20223
  10. "Exploration framework for synthesizable CGRAs targeting HPC: initial design and evaluation", Adhi, Cortes, Tan, Kojima, Podobas, and Sano, IPDPS'22, 2023
  11. "A high-fidelity flow solver for unstructured meshes on field-programmable gate arrays: Design, evaluation, and future challenges", Karp, Podobas et al., HPC Asia'22, 2022
  12. "Exploring inter-tile connectivity for hpc-oriented cgra with lower resource usage", Adhi, Cortes, Tan, Kojima, Podobas, and Sano, FPT'22, 2022
  13. "A review on parallel virtual screening softwares for high-performance computers", Murugan, Podobas et al., Pharmaceuticals 15 , 2022
  14. "Higgs Boson Classification: Brain-inspired BCPNN Learning with StreamBrain", Svedin, Podobas, Chien, and Markidis, CLUSTER'21, 2024
  15. "Benchmarking the nvidia gpu lineage: From early k80 to modern a100 with asynchronous memory transfers", Svedin, Chien, Chikafa, Jansson, and Podobas, HEART'21, 2021
  16. "Streambrain: an hpc framework for brain-like neural networks on cpus, gpus and fpgas", Podobas et al., HEART'21, 2021
  17. "Matrix engines for high performance computing: A paragon of performance or grasping at straws?", many authors, IPDPS'21, 2021
  18. "High-performance spectral element methods on field-programmable gate arrays: implementation, evaluation, and future projection", Karp, Podobas, et al., IPDPS'21, 2021
  19. "Extending High-Level Synthesis with High-Performance Computing Performance Visualization", Huthmann, Podobas, et al., CLUSTER'20, 2020
  20. "A survey on coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures from a performance perspective", Podobas, Sano, and Matsuoka, IEEE Access, 2020
  21. "A template-based framework for exploring coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures", Podobas, Sano, and Matsuoka, ASAP'20, 2020
  22. "OpenMP device offloading to FPGAs using the Nymble infrastructure", Huthmann, Sommer, Podobas et al., IWOMP'20, 2020
  23. "Scaling performance for N-Body stream computation with a ring of FPGAs", Huthmann, Shin, Podobas, et al., HEART'19, 2019
  24. "Double-precision fpus in high-performance computing: an embarrassment of riches?", multiple authors, IPDPS'19, 2019
  25. "Learning neural representations for predicting GPU performance", Salaria, Drozd, Podobas, and Matsuoka, ISC'19, 2019
  26. "Predicting performance using collaborative filtering", Salaria, Drozd, Podobas, and Matsuoka, CLUSTER'19, 2019
  27. "High-performance high-order stencil computation on fpgas using opencl", Zohouri, Podobas, and Matsuoka, IPDPSW'18, 2018
  28. "Hardware implementation of POSITs and their application in FPGAs", Podobas and Matsuoka, IPDPSW'18, 2018
  29. "Combined spatial and temporal blocking for high-performance stencil computation on FPGAs using OpenCL", Zohouri, Podobas, and Matsuoka, FPGA'18, 2018
  30. "MACC: An OpenACC transpiler for automatic multi-GPU use", Matsumura, Sato, Boku, Podobas, and Matsuoka, SCAsia'18, 2018
  31. "Designing and accelerating spiking neural networks using OpenCL for FPGAs", Podobas and Matsuoka, FPT'17, 2017
  32. "Evaluating high-level design strategies on FPGAs for high-performance computing", Podobas, Zohouri, Maruyama, and Matsuoka, FPL'17, 2017
  33. "Empowering openmp with automatically generated hardware", Podobas and Brorsson, SAMOS'16, 2016
  34. "Accelerating Parallel Computations with OpenMP-Driven System-on-Chip Generation for FPGAs", Podobas, MCSoC'14, 2014
  35. "TurboBŁYSK: scheduling for improved data-driven task performance with fast dependency resolution", Podobas, Brorsson, and Vlassov, IWOMP'14, 2014 [BEST PAPER]