PhD candidate Björn's paper on how to reach fast and power-efficient SNN simulation on FPGAs, reaching faster-than-realtime simulation on a well-known cortical microcircuit model while consuming as little as 21 nJ of energy per synaptic event, making our accelerator the most energy efficient for this type of circuit in the world! Check the preprint here!
Pedro will work in the EU EXTRA-BRAIN project examining the neuromorphic systems in cloud/edge continuum
Together with colleagues from Univ. of Edinburgh and RIKEN, we introduce iFast, a new library-level approach to transparently accelerating scientific applications based on MPI-IO. It decouples application I/O, data caching, and data storage to support heterogeneous storage models. Check the preprint here!
The EU Extra-Brain project will push state-of-the-art in applying brain-inspired (e.g., BCPNN) systems to solve applications in industry. Follow the project: here.
Pedro will work in ASAP project examining the reconfigurable systems in space
Wiktor will work on generating neuromorphic hardware using the Syn2Logic DSL.
Together with colleagues from RIKEN, Intel, IIT, Chalmers, TiTech, and AIST, we explore what it means for future (A64FX-like) processors to grow vertically. Check the full paper here!
The ASAP project will investigate the use of reconfigurable architectures (FPGAs) for use in future deep-space missions.
Björn will work on accelerating neuroscience applications on FPGAs.