Stockholm Aug. 2024.

KTH regulations: This is a personal web page created by Lars Jonsson. More information. You can contact me at ljonsson AT kth DOT se.

Welcome to Lars Jonsson's home page at KTH

I am a Professor at Electromagnetic Engineering and Fusion Science (EMF) at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) which is located in the city of Stockholm, Sweden. We are a group of people working in electromagnetic theory, antenna theory, scattering. Our interests includes antenna limitations, antenna design, electromagnetic material properties, nonlinear effects, wide band antenna elements, phased arrays etc.

Currently I supervise the PhDs student Harald Hultin, Lucas Åkerstedt. My fellow co-researcher in high frequency electromagnetic is Martin Norgren, Sailing He, Oscar Quevedo-Teruel who joined us 2014, and Mariana Dalarsson who started in 2020.


For a list of published papers and more information see my research page.

2022-2024 A VINNOVA funded project on array antenna far-field properties has been approved, PhD student Lucas Åkerstedt.

2021-2026 A SSF-funded project on antenna interaction between antennas and the supporting platform has been approved. It is a joint project with industry with the PhD student Harald Hultin. Starting date June 2021.

2017-2021 The ChaseOn project has been approved. It is a joint Excellence center funded by Vinnova, with industrial collaborations. We are engaged in the project Integrated Array Antennas, that is focused on the integration of the antenna with its front end electronics, like power amplifiers. PhDs Ahmad Emadeddin, both Henrik Frid Andrei Ludvig-Osipov and Jari-Matti Hannula has been part of this project.

2016-2021 in a call about Digitalization at KTH, funding for three PhD students within the area. More specifically they will look into three different subjects: 1) energy harvesting, 2) communication within a motor, 3) antennas for condition monitoring of many motors. The projects are in collaboration with Oscar Quevedo-Teruel, Mats Bengtsson and Ragnar Thobaben. PhD students: Liao Quinbi, Boules Mouris and Baptiste Cavarec.

2014-2019: A joint SSF project on applied mathematics on Complex analysis and convex optimization for EM design. It is a joint collaboration between Mats Gustafsson at LU, Annmarie Luger at SU, Sven Nordebo at Lnu and Daniel Sjöberg at LU and myself. PhD student was Andrei Ludvik-Osipov.

2012 and 2013: Elektra projects from Elforsk on nanocomposites and electrical breakdown in insulating materials. My PhD student Elena is researching within this area. Since 2015 this project is sponsored by SWEgrids. PhD student was Elena Kubyshkina.

2012-2016: We are participating in antenna research projects within the CHASE network. Chase was a VINN Excellence center around antenna systems. The project is about next generation array antennas, their design and properties. A recent study was together with Patrik Persson and a visitor Waqquas Bukkhsh, was a study on a communication antenna designed for satellite use. One of the results of this research were the array figure of merit a performance measure of array antennas over a ground plane. PhD student was Christos Kolitsidas.

Graduated students

The following PhDs and Licentiates have graduated:

Previous postdocs


In the autumn 2024 I will teach the Electromagnetic Theory courses EI1220, EI1228 and the master course: Electromagnetic Wave Propagation course: EI2420.

Some elementary integration techniques with applications to electromagnetics (in swedish): integration

Working as the vice director (and every three years as director) for third cycle education at EECS 2022--

Some software links

Useful links
