The REXUS Programme

REXUS is an unguided, spin-stabilised, solid-propellant, single stage rocket. The vehicle has a length of about 5.6 m and a diameter of 35.6 cm and the total available mass for student experiments is about 40 kg. Around two minutes of reduced gravity can be obtained if the rocket is despun.

In the REXUS programme student teams design and build their own rocket experiment, to be flown on a sounding rocket. The programme is run over more than one and a half year, including everything from proposal to design reviews, testing and finally the launch.

I joined SCRAP in January 2014. Our experiment launched in March 2015. The experiment was done together with the Space and Plasma Physics department at KTH under the supervision of Dr. Nickolay Ivchenko.

More information can be found at the ESA webpage.