Royal Institute
of Technology, School of
Information and Communication Technology, Department of
Electronic Systems |
Hannu Tenhunen Professor at KTH-ICT-ES |
address KTH-ICT-ES, Isafjordsgatan 26, 3rd floor, Lift B Office:+46 8 790 41 19 Fax: +46 8 751 17 93 Email: hannu@kth.se |
Address: KTH/ICT/ES |
Home | Education | Research | Publications
| CV |
Summary: Prof. Dr.h.c Prof.h.c. Hannu Tenhunen is chair
professor of Electronic Systems at Royal Institute of Technology (KTH),
Stockholm, Sweden. Prof. Tenhunen has held professor position as full professor,
invited professor or visiting honorary professor in Finland (TUT, UTU),
Sweden (KTH), USA (Cornel U), France (INPG), China (Fudan
and Beijing Jiatong Universities), and Hong Kong
(Chinese University of Hong Kong), and has an honorary doctorate from Tallinn
Technical University. He has been director
of multiple national large scale research programs or being an initiator and
director of national or European graduate schools. He has actively
contributed on VLSI and SoC design in Finland and
Sweden via creating new educational programs and research directions, most
lately at European level as being the EU-level Education Director of the new European
flagship initiative European Institute of Technology and Innovations (EIT),
and its Knowledge and Innovation
Community EIT ICT Labs. Prof. Tenhunen has been
active in promoting the innovation system and innovation support mechanism in
research and education both at national and European level. Prof. Tenhunen has been a board member in science parks,
start-up companies, and has served as advisor or expert for high technology
companies and venture capitalists, as well as evaluator for EU and national
programs and research institutes. He
has supervised over 70 M.Sc. thesis, 39 doctoral thesis, and 8 post-doc. From
his doctoral students and post-docs, as of today, 21 are currently professors
and associate professors. Prof. Tenhunen has served in Technical Program Committee's of all
major conferences in his area, have been general chairman or vice-chairman or
member of Steering Committee of multiple conferences in his core competence
areas. He has been one of the founding editorial board member of 3 scientific
journal, have been quest editor for multiple special issues of scientific
journals or books, and have contributed numerous invited papers to journals.
He has contributed to over 127 journal papers, over 656 reviewed international
conference papers, over 190 non-reviewed papers, local conference papers, or
other publications, and 9 international patents granted in multiple
countries. Prof. Tenhunen is member of Academy of
Engineering Science of Finland. |
expert positions Top |
Short CV Top Higher education degree(s) • M.Sc.
in Electrical Engineering, 1982, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland,
with majors in Electron Physics and Computer Engineering, minors in Solid
State Physics, Theoretical Physics, and Mathematics. "Anomalous
Properties of Silicondioxide and Chal¬cogenide Glasses", Master of Science Thesis (in
Finnish), Helsinki University of Technology, August 1982, 151 p. Doctoral degree (year, discipline/subject area,
dissertation title, and supervisor). • Ph.D.
in Electrical Engineering from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA, in 1985
with major in Microelectronics and minor in Applied and Engineering Physics (Microfabrication). “Formation of Anodic Porous Silicon
for Silicon-on-Insulator VLSI Structures” , Supervisor: Professor Peter Krusius Postdoctoral work (year and placement). • Acting
Associate Professor of Electronics, Electronics Laboratory, Tampere
University of Technology, Finland, Sept. 1985-June 1986 • Acting
professor, Tampere University of Technology, 1986-88 Qualification/appointments as research
fellow/associate professor (year). • Associate
professor 1988, Tampere University of Technology • Formally
qualified by expert evaluators to multiple professor positions 1988-92 period • Full
professor (fulmakt professor) 1992 Royal Institute
of Technology (KTH), • Visiting
professor, Cornell University, USA, 1998 • Honorary
Doctor (Dr.h.c.) Tallinn Technical University,
Estonia, • Honorary
professor, Fudan University, Shanghai, &
Beijing Jiatong University, China, • Adjunct
professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong,, 2001-2006, 20006-2011 • Research
fellow at Turku Center for Computer Science, 2002 • Nokia
Fellow, 2005 • Professeur Invite’,
Institut National Polytechnique
de Grenoble, France, 2005 • Invited
professor, University of Turku, Finland. 2006-2010 • Permanent
Member of Academy of Engineering Sciences of Finland, 2009 forward Specialist certification or equivalent • Docent,
Tampere University of Technology, 1994 (Digital Systems), Helsinki University
of Technology, 1999 (VLSI System Design), University of Turku, 2001 (Nanoelectronic systems). Current position, period of appointment, share of
time spent in research. • Professor
(fulmakt professor, chair professor), Kungl Tekniska Högskolan/Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm,
Sweden, 1992 forward. (time spent on research: 70%) Previous positions and periods of appointment. • Associate
professor and acting professor, Tampere University of Technology, 1985-1991. • Coordinator
of National Microelectronics Program of Finland 1987-1991. • Head
of Laboratory, Digital Signal Processing Laboratory, Tampere University of
Technology, 1988-1990 • Dean,
School of Information Technology, Royal Institute of Technology, 2001-2005 • Invited
professor of nanoelectronics, University of Turku,
Finland, 2006-2010. • Director
of Turku Centre of Computer Science, Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland, 2006-2010. • Professor
Invite´, Institute National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG), 2005-2006 • Invited
visiting professor, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 1998 • Adjunct
Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China, 2006- • Honorary
professor, Fudan University, Shanghai, China • Honorary
professor, Beijing Jiatong University, Beijing,
China ·
• Director
of Education, European Institute of Innovation and Technology, EIT ICTlabs 2008-2012 Interruptions in research. Specify the reason(s)
and give the time and dates of the interruption. • On
leave of absence from KTH between 2006-2010 to work as Director of TUCS,
Finland, an interdisciplinary research and education center integrating
different disciplines to its operations and providing three different
distinct Masters and PhD degrees in engineering, natural sciences, and economics.
He was also a director of the TUCS doctoral school with over 110 PhD
students. Sabbatical year as prestigious Senior Individual Grant Holder, SSF,
2005 Individuals who have completed their doctoral
degree under your supervision or postdoctoral period under your main
supervision. * PhD graduates under my supervision.
Individuals marked with @ have reached professor or associate professor
* Post-docs
starting in my laboratory after their PhD and who have reached docent or
professor level positions:
Pedagogic experience: • Prof.
Tenhunen was actively involved in the establishment
of International Masters Programs at KTH and earlier in Finland, and has
given lectures in over 40 different courses at graduate and post-graduate
levels. He has established and directed multiple doctoral schools, and have
been Director of Education for European Institute and Technology EIT ICTLabs
2008-2012. He has contributed to over 127 journal publications and book
chapters, over 656 international reviewed conference publications, 9
international patents. He has cited over 5000 times. Other information of importance to the application
• Prof.
Tenhunen received prestigious Shanghai Mangolian Silver Award and Medal from City of Shanghai in
2014 for the contributions to develop Shanghai. • For
research publications see: • Google
Scholar: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=yD591D4AAAAJ&hl=en Research
Gate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hannu_Tenhunen • Google
H-Index is 28 with 5280 citations and Research Gate RG Score is 35.54 and 4527 publication
downloads from Research Gate. •
For detailed CV and education & research
activities see: http://web.ict.kth.se/~hannu/ |