- Asymptotic results connected with generalizations of occupancy problems.
Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Dis. Fac. Sci. 198 (1972).
- Poisson Approximation. Oxford University Press,
Oxford (1992). With A. D. Barbour and S. Janson.
- Problems and Snapshots from the World of Probability.
Springer--Verlag, New York (1994) (Japanese edition 1995). With
G. Blom and D. Sandell.
Sannolikhetsteori och statistikteori med tillämpningar. Studentlitteratur, Lund (2005). With G. Blom, J. Enger, G. Englund and J. Grandell.
- 1. A note on finding the size of a finite population.
Biometrika 58, 228--229 (1971).
- 2. Limit theorems for some occupancy and sequential occupancy
problems. Ann. Math. Statist. 42, 1671--1680 (1971).
3. Asymptotic normality in a generalized occupancy problem. Z.
Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie verw. Geb. 21, 109--120 (1972).
4. Asymptotic normality and efficiency for certain goodness--of--fit tests.
Biometrika 59, 137--145 (1972).
5. Some limit theorems with applications in sampling theory. Ann.
Statist. 1, 644--658 (1973).
6. Some asymptotic results for occupancy problems. Ann. Probab. 5,
1028--1035 (1977).
7. A unified approach to limit theorems for urn models. J. Appl. Probab.
16, 154--162 (1979).
8. Two conditional limit theorems with applications. Ann. Statist.
7, 551--557 (1979).
9. Asymptotic normality of sum--functions of spacings. Ann. Probab.
7, 1066--1072 (1979).
10. On multiple covering of a circle with random arcs. J. Appl. Probab.
17, 284--290 (1980).
11. On matrix occupancy, committee, and capture--recapture problems. Scand.
J. Statist. 7, 139--146 (1980).
12. On the lengths of the pieces of a stick broken at random. J. Appl.
Probab. 17, 623--634 (1980).
13. Asymptotic theory for some families of two--sample non--parametric
statistics. Sankya A 42, 19--52 (1980). With J.S. Rao.
14. On sequential occupancy problems. J. Appl. Probab. 18,
435--442 (1981).
15. On convergence of the coverage by random arcs on a circle and the largest
spacing. Ann. Probab. 9, 648--655 (1981).
16. Asymptotic spacings theory with applications to the two--sample problem.
Canadian J. Statist. 9, 79--89 (1981). With J.S. Rao.
17. Some conditional limit theorems in exponential families. Ann. Probab.
9, 818--830 (1981).
18. Some asymptotic results for some incomplete multinomial or poisson samples.
Scand. J. Statist. 8, 243--246 (1981).
19. On numbers related to partitions of unlike objects and occupancy problems.
Europ. J. Combinatorics, 2, 231--237 (1981).
20. Covering the circle with random arcs of random sizes. J. Appl. Probab.
19, 373--381 (1982). With A.F. Siegel.
21. A note on random arcs on the circle. Probability and
Mathematical Statistics. Essays in honour of Carl--Gustav Esseen. Ed.
by Allan Gut and Lars Holst. Uppsala. 40--45 (1983).
22. On the random coverage of the circle. J. Appl. Probab. 21,
558--566 (1984). With J.Hüsler.
23. On the waiting time in a generalized roulette game. Statist. &
Probab. Letters 2, 229--239 (1984). With A. Gut.
24. Sequential urn schemes and birth processes. Adv. Appl. Probab. 17,
257--279 (1985). With J. Hüsler.
25. On discrete spacings and the Bose--Einstein distribution. Contributions
to Probability and Statistics in honour of Gunnar Blom. Ed. by Jan Lanke
and Georg Lindgren. Lund. 169--177 (1985).
26. On birthday, collectors', occupancy and other classical urn problems. Int.
Statist. Rev.
54, 15--27 (1986).
27. Random walks of ordered elements with applications. Amer. Statistician.
40, 271--274 (1986). With G. Blom.
28. Rates of Poisson--convergence for some coverage and urn problems using
coupling. J. Appl. Probab. 25, 717--724 (1988). With J.
Kennedy, M. Quine.
29. Some applications of the Stein--Chen method for proving Poisson
convergence. Adv. Appl. Probab. 21, 74--90 (1989). With A. D.
30. A note on Banach's match box problem. Statist. & Probab. Letters
8, 441--443 (1989).
31. Some properties of similar pairs.
Adv. Appl. Probab. 21, 941--944 (1989). With G.
32. A circle covering problem and DNA breakage.
Statist. & Probab. Letters 9, 295--298 (1990).
33. Poisson approximation using the Stein--Chen method and coupling: Number of
exceedances of Gaussian random variables. Ann. Probab. 18,
713--723 (1990). With S. Janson.
34. On approximating probabilities for small and large deviations in
Ann. Probab. 18, 727--753 (1990). With J. Robinson, T. Höglund,
M. Quine.
35. On the 'Problème des ménages' from a probabilistic viewpoint.
Statist. & Probab. Letters 11, 225--231 (1991).
36. Embedding procedures for discrete problems in probability. Math.
16, 29--40 (1991). With G. Blom.
37. On the number of vertices in the complete graph with a given vertex as
nearest neighbor.
Random Graphs, Volume 2. Edited by Alan Frieze and Tomasz Luczak.
Wiley, New York. 91--99 (1992).
38. The general birthday problem. Random Structures & Algorithms
6, 201--208 (1995).
39. A limit theorem for the replication time of a DNA molecule. J. Appl.
Probab. 32, 296--303 (1995). With R. Cowan, S. N. Chiu.
40. Three Sing-Sing problems. Amer. Math. Monthly 102,
880--887 (1995). With G. Blom, D. Sandell.
41. On the distribution of search cost for move-to-front rule.
Random Structures & Algorithms 8, 179-186 (1996). With J. A. Fill.
42. A general stochastic model for nucleation and linear growth.
Ann. Appl. Probab. 6, 903-921 (1996). With M. Quine, J. Robinson.
43. Convergence to stable distributions using Laplace transforms.
Math. Scientist 93, 93-107 (1998). With L. Bondesson.
44. The ruin problem and cover times of asymmetric random walks and
Brownian motions.
Adv. Appl. Prob. 32, 1-16 (2000). With K.S. Chong,
R. Cowan.
45. Extreme value distributions for random coupon collector and birthday problems.
Extremes 4, 129-145 (2001).
46. Counts of failure strings in certain Bernoulli sequences. J. Appl. Probab.
44, 824-830 (2007).
47. Distributions of the longest excursions in a tied down simple random
walk and in a Brownian bridge. J. Appl. Probab. 44, 1056-1067
(2007). With A. Lindell.
48. The number of two consecutive successes in a Hoppe-Pólya urn.
J. Appl. Probab. 45, 901-906
49. A note on embedding certain Bernoulli sequences in marked Poisson processes. J. Appl. Probab. 45, 1181-1185 (2008).
50. On consecutive records in certain Bernoulli sequences. J. Appl. Probab. 46, 1201-1208 (2009).
51. Number of events and time to failure distributions for error correction protected memories. IEEE Trans. Device Materials Reliability 10, 381-389 (2010). With P. Reviriego, J.A. Maestro.
52. On the expected longest length probe sequence for hashing with separate chaining. J. Discrete Algorithms 9, 307-312 (2011). With P. Reviriego, J.A. Maestro.
53. A note on records in a random sequence, Ark. Mat. 49, 351-356 (2011).
54. Om Eulers γ, Γ och π2/6 ur sannolikhetsteoretisk synvinkel, Normat 59, 51-58 (2011).
55. A proof of Euler´s infinite product for the sine, Amer. Math. Monthly 119, 518-521 (2012).
56. Probabilistic proofs of Euler identities. J. Appl. Probab. 50, 1206-1212 (2013)..
57. Runs in coin tossing: a general approach for deriving distributions for functionals. J. Appl. Probab. 52, 752-770 (2015). With T. Konstantopoulos.
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