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Three most significant publications
"Solving the AdS/CFT Y-system"
with N.Gromov, S.Leurent, V.Kazakov
Minimal solution of the AdS/CFT crossing equation
J.Phys.A A42 (2009) 372001
Quantum integrability and functional equations
PhD thesis
J.Phys.A A44 (2011) 124003
Other publications
Quantum folded string and integrability: From finite size effects to
Konishi dimension.
with N.Gromov, D.Serban, I.Shenderovich
JHEP 1108 (2011) 046
Review of AdS/CFT Integrability: An Overview.
N.Beisert et al
Review of AdS/CFT Integrability, Chapter III.3: The Dressing factor.
with P.Vieira
String hypothesis for gl(n|m) spin chains: a particle/hole
From the mass gap in O(N) to the non-Borel-summability in O(3) and
O(4) sigma-models.
Phys.Rev. D81 (2010) 105008
The 2-Loop generalized scaling function from the BES/FRS equation.
Functional BES equation.
with I.Kostov and D.Serban
JHEP 0808 (2008) 101
Strong coupling limit of Bethe ansatz equations.
with I.Kostov and D.Serban
Nucl.Phys. B789 (2008) 413-451