Dmytro Volin's home page
Name: | Dmytro Volin |
Born: | 06 March 1983, Kiev, Ukraine |
Natioanlity: | Ukrainian |
Marital status: | Married |
Languages: | English, French, Russian, Ukrainian |
PhD: | 2009, IPhT, CEA-Saclay, France |
Research focus: | Integrable models, AdS/CFT, strongly coupled field theories |
Additional skills: | expert in Mathematica, basic knowledge of web-design |
Work | +46-(0)8-5537-8405 |
Mobile | +46-(0)7-37221822 |
Fax | +46-(0)8-5537-8404 | | |
Skype | volinn ![]() |
address | Nordita, Roslagstullsbacken 23, 10691 Stockholm, Sweden |
Since 2011 | Nordita Fellow (Postdoc position) |
2009-2001 | Postdoc at Pennsylvania State University |
2006-2009 | PhD, received from University Paris-sud XI |
2005-2006 | Stage at Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics (Kiev, Ukraine) |
2000-2005 | Bachelor's and Master's degree |
1996-2000 | School |
2000 | Silver medal of the International Chemical Olympiad (Copenhagen, Denmark) |
2011-2012 | Web-lectures on quantum integrability, for graduate and advanced undergraduate students. See further details here. |
Jun 2009 | Lecturer at first Mathematica school (Porto University, Portugal) |
spring 2009 | Web-seminars on rational integrable spin chains at the scientific and educational center of Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics (SEC, BITP, Kiev, Ukraine) |
spring 2008 | Seminars on path integral and nonperturbative effercts for 2-4th year students (SEC, BITP, Kiev, Ukraine) |
2004-2005 | Lectures and seminars on modern differential geometry for 2-4th year students. (SEC, BITP, Kiev, Ukraine) |
Mar 2007 | School on integrability and AdS/CFT correspondence (SEC, BITP, Kiev, Ukraine) |
Aug 2004 | Summer school on supersymmetry (SEC, BITP, Kiev, Ukraine) |
Aug 2005 | Summer school on basics of algebraic topology and string theory(SEC, BITP, Kiev, Ukraine) |