I am a PhD-student in Algebraic geometry at KTH with Sandra Di Rocco as my advisor.
† S. Di Rocco, K. Jabbusch, A. Lundman
A note on higher order Gauss maps
† W. Chachólski, A. Lundman, R. Ramanujam, M. Scolamiero, S. Öberg
Multidimensional Persistence and Noise
† A. Lundman
Local positivity of line bundles on smooth
toric varieties and Cayley polytopes
Journal of Symbolic Computation (in press), doi:10.1016/j.jsc.2015.05.007,
Available online since 2015,
† S. Di Rocco, A. Lundman, T. Szemberg
The effect of
points fattening on Hirzebruch surfaces
Mathematische Nachrichten, (2015),
Volume 288, Issue 5-6, pages 577-583
† T. Bauer, S. Di Rocco, B. Harbourne, J. Huizenga, A. Lundman, P. Pokora, T. Szemberg
Bounded Negativity and Arrangements of Lines
Int Math Res Notices, (in press), doi: 10.1093/imrn/rnu236, Available online since 2014
† A. Lundman
A classification of smooth convex 3-polytopes with at
most 16 lattice points
Journal of Algebraic
Combinatorics, (2013), Volume 37, Issue 1, pp 139-165
† Higher order Gauss Maps , (2015)
† Local positivity of line bundles on smooth toric varieties and Cayley polytopes, (2013)
† Classifying Lattice Polytopes, Licentiate thesis, 2013
† On the geometry of smooth convex polyhedra with bounded
lattice points, Master Thesis, 2010