Liam Solus

Assistant Professor of Mathematics

KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Department of Mathematics
SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden

Professional Information:

I am an assistant professor of combinatorics and probability in artificial intelligence at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. My research is funded by the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems, and Software Program (WASP), Vetenskapsrådet (The Swedish Research Council), Göran Gustafsson Stiftelsen (The Göran Gustafsson Foundation) and KTH Digital Futures. In Fall 2019, I was a visiting researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Natural Sciences in Leipzig, Germany. Prior to that, I was a US NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellow at KTH with Petter Brändén, and a postdoctoral researcher at IST Austria and MIT with Caroline Uhler. I completed my PhD in mathematics in December 2015 at University of Kentucky under the supervision of Benjamin Braun.

Areas of Research:

Upcoming and Recent Activities:

I am currently seeking a new PhD student in either algebraic/geometric combinatorics or algebraic statistics. Please check under Open Positions for more information.

I recently spoke at the University of Copenhagen MATH seminar on November 13.

I recently spoke at the Workshop on Staged Trees and Related Models in Genoa during October 21-23.

I recently spoke at the Bernoulli-IMS 11th World Congress in Probability and Statistics 2024 Session on Algebraic Statistics and Graphical Models in Bochum, Germany.

I was recently awarded the Large Prize for Young Researchers by the The Göran Gustafsson Foundation.

I was a member of the organizing committee for the recent Summer School in Applied Algebraic Geometry in Bogotá, Colombia funded by UMALCA.

I was member of the organizing committee for the recent AlCoVE 2024: An Algebraic Combinatorics Virtual Expedition. This is the fourth iteration of a yearly virtual conference for algebraic combinatorics funded by the United States National Science Foundation. This year, as a satellite workshop to the main conference, we organized, AlCoVR: a summer school to take place entirely in virtual reality. See a sample of the VR learning experience here!



Supervision and Mentorship:

Current PhD Students:

Former PhD Students:

Current Postdocs:

Former Postdocs:

Some Combinatorial Sequences I Like and Why I Like Them:

Personal Interests:

Aside from mathematics, I like to skateboard, surf, snowboard, climb, exercise, hike, travel, and play my violin.

Liam Solus
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Last updated on 5 December 2024