Information theory, machine learning and artificial intelligence have
been overlapping fields during their whole existence as academic
disciplines. These areas, in turn, overlap significantly with applied
and theoretical statistics.
Arguably the most central concepts in
information theory are: entropy, mutual information and relative
entropy (Kullback-Leibler divergence). These entities are important
also in inference and learning, for example via their manifestation
in the evidence lower bound (variational free energy). Entropy and
mutual information also play important parts in a class of general
bounds to error probability in estimation and decision-making, where
the most basic special case is known as Fano's inequality. Relative
entropy was introduced in parallel in the statistics and information
theory literature, and is a special case of the more general concept
of f-divergence. Divergence is in general an important measure
of "statistical dissimilarity," and plays an fundamental part in
several bounding techniques. A more recent framework that has caught
considerable attention is the information bottleneck principle, which
in turn has several interesting connections to traditional
rate-distortion theory.
This course will explore these, and several other, relations and
tools at some depth. The goal is to give PhD students in decision and
control, learning, AI, network science, and information theory a solid
introduction to how information-theoretic concepts and tools can be applied to
problems in statistics, decision and learning well beyond their more
traditional use in, for example, communication theory.
The course is registered as FEO3350 and is worth 12 cu's.
Mikael Skoglund
and Tobias Oechtering
Required: Solid working knowledge (at the "advanced undergrad level")
in analysis, linear algebra and probability
Recommended: Information theory, corresponding to FEO3210; (measure theoretic) probability, corresponding to FEO3230; optimization, corresponding to SF3847
Teaching the course will draw from several different sources. The
following is a partial list of recommended textbooks, tutorials,
lecture-notes and papers.
- [PW] Polyanskiy & Wu, "Information Theory: From coding to learning" (book draft)
- [CT] Cover & Thomas, "Elements of Information Theory", Wiley. (can be accessed from Wiley via the KTH library)
- [MK] MacKay, "Information Theory, Inference and Learning Algorithms"
- [CK] Csiszar & Körner, "Information Theory"
- [CS] Csiszar & Shields, "Information Theory and Statistics: A
- [CTu] Csiszar & Tusnady, Information Geomentry and Alternating Minimization Procedures, 1984
- [C1] Csiszar, "I-Divergence geometry of probability distributions and minimization problems," The Annals of Probability, Feb. 1975
- [C2] Csiszar, "Iterative Algorithms with an Information Geometry Background (lecture notes, Renyi Institute)
- [D] Duchi, "Information theory and statistics" (lecture notes, Stanford)
- [WV] Wu & Verdú, "Rényi information dimension: Fundamental
limits of almost lossless analog compression,'' IEEE Trans. on IT Aug. 2010
- [BBL] Bousquet, Boucheron & Lugosi, "Introduction to Statistical Learning Theory," Springer 2003
- [Wa] Wainwright, "High-dimensional statistics," Cambridge 2019.
- [XR] Xu & Raginsky, "Information-theoretic analysis of generalization capability of learning algorithms," in Proc. NIPS 2017
- [HDGR] Hellström, Durisi, Guedj & Raginsky, "Generalization bounds: Perspectives from information theory and PAC-Bayes," arXiv:2309.04381, 2023
- [RGTS] B. Rodríguez Gálvez, R. Thobaben and M. Skoglund, "An information-theoretic approach to generalization theory," arXiv:2408.13275, 2024
- [RWY] G. Raskutti, M. J. Wainwright and B. Yu, "Minimax
rates of estimation for high-dimensional linear regression
over $\ell_q$ balls," IEEE Trans. on IT, Oct. 2011
- [CRT] Candés, Romberg & Tao, "Stable signal recovery from incomplete and inaccurate measurements," Commun. Pure and Applied Mathematics, August 2006
- [GP] Z. Goldfeld and Y. Polyanskiy, "The information
bottleneck problem and its applications in machine learning," IEEE
J. Select. Areas in Information Theory, May 2020
Preliminary Schedule 2023
MS = Mikael Skoglund, TO = Tobias Oechtering
- Lecture 1 [MS], Nov. 10 (Fri), 10:00-12:00, HN: Information theory fundamentals: Entropy, mutual information, relative entropy, and f-divergence. Total variation and
other distance metrics. Inequalities. [PW,CT]
- Lecture 2 [MS], Nov. 17 (Fri), 10:00-12:00, HN: Rate-Distortion theory: Cost versus information. Bounds. The Blahut
algorithm. [PW,CT]
- Lecture 3 [MS], Nov. 23 (Thu), 10:00-12:00, HN: Limits on information flow and processing: Conditional mutual information and relative entropy. Data processing
inequalities. Sufficient statistic and the information
bottleneck. Rate-distortion interpretation [PW,CT,GP]
- Lecture 4 [MS], Dec. 1 (Fri), 10:00-12:00, HN: Foundations of statistical decision theory: Binary hypothesis testing. Parameter estimation. Bayes and minimax risk. [PW,CT]
- Lecture 5 [MS], Dec. 8 (Fri), 10:00-12:00, HN: Information bounds on error probability and risk: Sample complexity. The mutual information method and rate-distortion. Fano inequalities. [PW,D]
- Lecture 6 [MS], Dec. 15 (Fri), 10:00-12:00, GD: Learning and generalization: Information bounds on generalization error. VC dimension and complexity. [HDGR,XR,BBL]
- Lecture 7 [MS]: Dec. 21 (Thu), 10:00-12:00, HN: Variational methods: Variational characterization of divergence, Donsker-Varadhan [PW]. Variational inference and the
- Lecture 8 [TO]: Jan. 12 (Fri), 10:00-12:00, HN: Classical estimation theory: Maximum likelihood, Fischer information, information bounds, Cramér-Rao, Hammersley-Chapman-Robbins. [CT,PW,D,S,MK]
- Lecture 9 [TO]: Jan. 19 (Fri), 10:00-12:00, HN: Packing, covering, Fano & minimax risk, metric entropy [PW,D,Wa]
- Lecture 10 [TO]: Jan. 26 (Fri), 10:00-12:00, HN: Le Cam's method, Assouad's method, mutual information method continued. Density estimation. Functional estimation. [PW,D,Wa]
- Lecture 11 [MS]: Feb. 2 (Fri), 10:00-12:00, HN: Dimension compression and denoising: Sparse denoising, compressed sensing, almost lossless analog compression [PW,D,RWY,CRT,WV]
- Lecture 12 [TO]: Feb. 8 (Thu), 10:00-12:00, HN: The method of types [CT,CK,CS]
- Lecture 13 [TO]: Feb. 15 (Thu), 16:00-18:00, HN: Information theory and large deviations, Stein, Chernoff and Sanov. Total variation and hypothesis testing. [CT,CK,CS,PW]
- Lecture 14 [MS]: Feb. 23 (Fri), 10:00-12:00, HN: The geometry of information: Information geometry, information projection, iterative methods, Expectation-Maximization
Meeting rooms:
- HN = Harry Nyquist, Malvinas väg 10, floor 7
- GD = Gustav Dahlander, Teknikringen 31, floor 3
Lecture slides and homework problems will be posted here.
lecture 0
lecture 1, homework 1
lecture 2, homework 2
lecture 3, homework 3
lecture 4, homework 4
lecture 5, homework 5
lecture 6, homework 6
lecture 7, homework 7
lecture 8, homework 8
lecture 9, homework 9
lecture 10, homework 10
lecture 11, homework 11
lecture 12, homework 12
lecture 13, homework 13
lecture 14