Since November 2015, I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Automatic Control Department of KTH, Stockholm, Sweden, where I am working on Formal methods for collaborative control of multi-robot systems, supervised by Dimos Dimarogonas. In particular, I am interested in abstraction refinement and specification revision methods for the control synthesis of nonlinear systems under temporal logic specifications.
Between 2012 and 2015, I did a PhD titled Invariance and symbolic control of cooperative systems for temperature regulation in intelligent buildings under the supervision of Antoine Girard at LJK and Emmanuel Witrant at GIPSA-lab in Grenoble, France.
Prior to that, I did my master thesis on Anytime diagnosis of discrete event systems under the supervision of Yannick Pencolé and Elodie Chanthery at LAAS-CNRS in Toulouse, France. In 2011, I received my Master degree in Electrical Engineering and Automatic Control from INP Toulouse (in ENSEEIHT engineering school)