Latest update: July 18th 2024
E-mail: mansande @
Address: LINDSTEDTSVÄGEN 5, 114 28, Stockholm

Home | Symposium

Måns I. Andersson

Doctoral Student in Computer Science at KTH with focus on High-Performance Computing.

Recent News

2024.08.12 — ICPP'24, Visby
2024.05.16 — 15th Annual SeRC meeting
2024.03.11 — Attended ICERM semester workshop
2024.03.07 — SIAM PP24:1st MS on Modern Linear Solvers and Preconditioners
2023.12.07 — Paper accepted to be published at SIAM PP24 in special proceedings, link to paper
2023.10.24 — DEEP-SEA F2F@Atos
2023.08.14 — PDC Summer School 2023
2023.08.01 — New preprint link to arXiv
2023.06.09 — Defended my Licentiate thesis link to DiVA
2023.05.03 — 14th Annual SeRC meeting
2023.04.16 — DEEP-SEA F2F@BSC
2023.02.27 — HPCAsia'23/SCA'23/CoNGA Singapore
2023.01.24 — Plasma-PEPSC kick-off Stockholm

Research Interests

  • Preconditioners and linear solvers
  • Scientific Computing
  • Finite Element Method
  • Parallel & Heterogenous computing
  • Teaching

    TA 2024 TA 2023 TA 2022


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