On-line access to swedish computer terms from Svenska Datatermgruppen, Computer Sweden's Spr˚ksidor, Skoldatanätet: Lexin. and Folkets lexikon
Swedish to English word list related to education
<1-- formerly http://utbildning.regeringen.se/pdf/ordbok.pdf -->Table of Latin-1 characters for HTML. A table of mathematical and other symbols. URL encodings of UTF-8.
Note that the original version of the CCSlab development plan for 1998 was not accepted by the department's board. They have insisted that the indicated section be stricken from the (this was at http://www.it.kth.se/labs/ccs/devplan1998.html) official document, but this does not change my goals and is unlikely to change the result.
See IEEE Communications Surveys and LBNL's Network Research Group -- many of the people have moved to ICIR (The ICSI Center for Internet Research) is a non-profit research institute at ICSI in Berkeley, California.
Glenn Herrin's Linux IP Networking: A Guide to the Implementation and Modification of the Linux Protocol Stack TR 00-04, May 31, 2000
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