Andreas Lindner
My KTH profile page.
Selected publications
- Andreas Lindner, Roberto Guanciale and Roberto Metere.
"TrABin: Trustworthy analyses of binaries",
2019, Science of Computer Programming.
- Roberto Metere, Andreas Lindner and Roberto Guanciale.
"Sound transpilation from binary to machine-independent code",
SBMF 2017, Recife.
- Marcus Lindner, Andreas Lindner and Per Lindgren.
"Safe tasks: Run time verification of the RTFM-lang model of computation",
ETFA 2016, Berlin.
- Andreas Lindner, Marcus Lindner and Per Lindgren.
"RTFM-RT: a threaded runtime for RTFM-core - towards execution of IEC 61499",
ETFA 2015, Luxembourg.
Teaching activities
Computer Security - Datasäkerhet - HT2015-HT2017 (link to DASAK VMs)
- Information to follow.
Involvements in research projects
CERCES at KTH, since 2015.
Resiliency of critical infrastructure applications - security of execution platforms.
PROSPER at KTH, since 2015.
Formal methods and platform security.
ESIS 2.6 and others at LTU, 2013-2015.
Embedded runtimes, kernels and compilers.
Also embedded hardware and distributed software.
Archaeocopter at FU and HTW Dresden, 2012-2013.
Computer vision, imaging hardware and structure from motion 3D reconstruction.
Neurocopter at FU, 2011-2012.
Aerial robot hardware, software and microcontrollers.
Also distributed software.