Publication list:

1) Gonzalez, A., and Holcomb, D., Evolution of the stochastic Airy eigenvalues under a changing boundary, preprint, October, 2018. here

2) Holcomb, D., The random matrix hard edge: rare events and a transition, Elec. J. Prob, v. 23, p. 1-20 (2018). here

3) Holcomb, D., and Paquette, E., The maximum deviation of the Sine-beta counting process, Elec. Comm. Prob., v. 23, p.1-13 (2018). here

4) Holcomb, D. and Paquette, E., Tridiagonal Models for Dyson Brownian Motion,, July 2017. here

5) Holcomb, D. and Valkó, B., Overcrowding asymptotics for the Sineβ process, AIHP, v. 53, no. 3, p. 1181-1195 (2017). here

6) Holcomb, D. and Valkó B., Large deviations for the Sineβ and Schτ processes, PTRF, v163-1 (2015), p. 339-378. here

7) Holcomb, D. and Moreno-Flores, G., Edge Scaling of the β-Jacobi Ensemble, J. Stat Phys, 149:1136-1160, December 2012. here

1) Holcomb, D. and Virág, B., "An introduction to operator limits of random matrices,''
in Borodin, A., Corwin, I.,and Guionnet, A. (ed) Random Matrices. AMS: IAS/Park City Mathematics Series Vol 26, 2019, pp 213-250. (book chapter)

2) Holcomb, D., Point Process Limits of Random Matrices, PhD thesis,
completed under the supervision of Benedek Valkó at the University of Wisconsin, Madison (2014). here (thesis)

3) Holcomb, D., Operator methods for random matrices, course notes, December 2017.
The first half of this monograph includes portions of of the notes that were later expanded to become the book chapter 'An introduction to operator limits of random matrices.' here (monograph)