Smoothlink: towards a web-based media context migration environment
U. Serrano, F. Osmani, and B. Knutsson
MUE'12, Madrid, Spain, Jul. 2012
Swift: the missing link between peer-to-peer and information-centric networks
F. Osmani, V. Grishchenko, R. Jimenez, and B. Knutsson
ACM P2P-Dep'12, Sibius, Romania, May 2012
Sub-Second Lookups on a Large-Scale Kademlia-Based Overlay
R. Jimenez, F. Osmani, and B. Knutsson
IEEE P2P'11, Kyoto, Japan, Aug. 2011
Connectivity Properties of Mainline BitTorrent DHT Nodes
R. Jimenez, F. Osmani, and B. Knutsson
IEEE P2P'09, Seattle, US, Sept. 2009
A scalable distributed security infrastructure for industrial control and sensor networks
F. Osmani, and A. Slabbert
ACM IWCMC'09, Leipzig, Germany, June 2009