Distributed Resource Allocation Using One-Way Communication with Applications to Power Networks


Typical coordination schemes for future powergrids require two-way communications. Since the number of end power-consuming devices is large, the bandwidth requirements for such two-way communication schemes may be prohibitive. Motivated by this observation, we study distributed coordination schemes that require only one-way limited communications. In particular, we investigate how dual descent distributed optimization algorithm can be employed in power networks using one-way communication. In this iterative algorithm, system coordinators broadcast coordinating (or pricing) signals to the users/devices who update power consumption based on the received signal. Then system coordinators update the coordinating signals based on the physical measurement of the aggregate power usage. We provide conditions to guarantee the feasibility of the aggregated power usage at each iteration so as to avoid blackout. Furthermore, we prove the convergence of algorithms under these conditions, and establish its rate of convergence. We illustrate the performance of our algorithms using numerical simulations. These results show that one-way limited communication may be viable for coordinating/operating the future smart grids.

In 2016 50th Annual Conference on Information Systems and Sciences, CISS 2016
