Page Layout
Dates Description (Additional) Readings
21st Jan Introduction to the Course David Gale, The Game of Hex and Brouwer fixed point theorem (1979)
28th and 31st Jan Jordan Curve Thm: Jordan Curve Theorem (preliminary version)
4th and 11th Feb Schoenflies theorem Edwin Moise, Geometric Topology in Dimensions 2 and 3, Sections: 1-4 and 9
18th and 25th Feb Triangulation and Classification Thms for 2-manifolds Doyle and Moran, A Short Proof that Compact 2-Manifolds Can Be Triangulated (1968)
3rd March An Introduction to hyperplane arrangement Richard Stanley, An Introduction to hyperplane arrangement Lectures 1 and 2
Additional Topics: Fundamental Group, Homology Groups, and Stanley-Reisner Ideals Armstrong, Basic Topology Sections: 5 and 8 for Fundamental group and Homology groups
The standard ref for Stanley-Reisner theory is Stanley's Combinatorics and Commutative Algebra