Dmytro Volin's home page
Dec 2011 | Higher dimensional CFT and integrability (IHP, Paris, France) Solving the Y-system |
Aug 2011 | Integrability in gauge and string theories (PI, Waterloo, Canada) Defining the Y-system and solving it using a finite set of equations |
Jul 2010 | Non-Perturbative Techniques in Field Theory (Durham, UK) Transfer matrices vs T-functions |
May 2009 | Enrage topical meeting (Dresden, Germany) On the mass gap and renormalons in O(n) sigma-model |
Dec 2007 | Integrability and the Gauge/String Correspondence (Cambrige, UK) Functional BES equation |
Jun 2004 | XI International Conference: Symmetry in Physics (Prague, Czech Republic) Finiteness of generalized Chern-Simons theories |
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