J.S.Madachy: Madachy's mathematical recreations.
- A.I.Markusevic: Quatre cours de mathématiques.
G.E.Martin: Polyominoes; a guide to puzzles and problems in tiling.
The mathemagician and pied puzzler. Ed. E.Berklekamp.
- Mathematical conversations; selections from The mathematical intelligencer. Ed. R.Wilson, J.Gray.
E.A. Maxwell: Fallacies in mathematics.
F.Morgan: The math chat book.
I.Pál: Raumgeometrie in der technischen Praxis.
J.A.Paulos: Mathematics and humor.
J.A.Paulos: Once upon a number; the hidden mathematical logic of stories.
J.I. Perel'man: Fun with maths and physics; brain teasers, tricks, illusions.
- I.Peterson: The mathematical tourist; snapshots of modern mathematics.
H.Rademacher: The enjoyment of mathematics; selections from Mathematics for the amateur.
- R.Schmalz: "Out of the mouths of mathematicians"; a quotation book for philomaths.
Science with a smile; an anthology. Ed. R.L. Weber.
- Seven years of manifold, 1968-1980. Ed I.Stewart.
S.K.Stein: Strength in numbers; discovering the joy and power of mathematics in everyday life.
I.Stewart: Another fine math you've got me into -
I.Stewart: Does God play dice? The new mathematics of chaos.
- I.Stewart: The magical maze; seeing the world through mathematical eyes.
- M.Stueben: Twenty years before the blackboard; the lessons and humor of a mathematics teacher.
- J.L.Synge: Science; sense and nonsense.
V.A.Uspenskij: Pascal's triangle; certain applications of mechanics to mathematics.
P.Vaderlind: 151 siffer- och tankelekar.
- P.Vaderlind: Fler matematiska tankenötter.
P.Vaderlind: Räknegåtor & sifferlekar.
- R.Vakil: A mathematical mosaic; patterns and problem solving.
A.Wannebo: Labba med primtal och delbarhet. Matematiktexter för unga: No 1.
- M.J.Wenninger: Spherical models.