E.J.Barbeau: Five hundred mathematical challenges.
G.Berzsenyi: The contest problem book, V. American high school mathematics.
B.Bolt: A mathematical Pandora's box.
- Challenging mathematical problems with elementary solutions; combinatorial analysis and probability theory. Ed. B.Gordon.
- Challenging mathematical problems with elementary solutions; problems from various branches of mathematics. Ed. B.Gordon.
Y.B.Chernyak: The chicken from Minsk.
Contests in higher mathematics; mem. of M.Schweitzer. Ed. G.Szász
- E.B.Dynkin et al. Mathematical problems; an anthology.
- A.Engel: Problem-solving strategies.
A.J.Friedland: Puzzles in math and logic; 100 new recreations.
C.W.Groetsch: Inverse problems; activities for undergraduates.
P.Halmos: Problems for mathematicians young and old.
- P.Halmos: Linear algebra problem book.
R.Honsberger: From Erdös to Kiev.
R.Honsberger: In Pólya's footsteps; miscellanous problems and essays.
The Hungarian problem book, I-II. The Eötvös competitions 1894-1905, 1906-1928. Ed. G.Hajós et al.
International mathematical olympiads 1959-1977. Ed. S.L.Greitzer.
International mathematical olympiads 1978-1985. Ed. M.S.Klamkin.
- J.D.E.Konhauser: Which way did the bicycle go? And other intriguing mathematical mysteries.
B.A.Kordemskij: The Moscow puzzles; 359 mathematical recreations.
S.G.Krantz: Techniques of problem solving.
The MAA problem book. Vol II. The annual high school contests 1961-1965. Ed. C.T.Salkind.
Mathematical Olympiads 1998-1999. Ed. A.Titu and F.Zuming.
F.Mosteller: Fifty challenging problems in probability with solutions.
D.J.Newman: A problem seminar.
Olympiadmatematik från Sovjetunionen. Ed. A.Engel.
G.Pólya: How to solve it; a new aspect of mathematical method.
- G.Pólya: Mathematical discovery; on understanding, learning, and teaching problem solving.
- Problemboken. Teknisk tidskrifts "Problemhörna" 1940-1950. Ed. A.Lenning.
C.T.Salkind: The contest problem book; problems from the annual high school contests. Three vol.
- R.A.Silverman: Learn limits through problems!
- R.A.Silverman: Sequences and combinatorial problems.
P.N. de Souza: Berkeley problems in mathematics.
H.Tietze: Famous problems of mathematics; solved and unsolved mathematical problems from antiquity to modern times.
- Tävlingsproblem i matematik; skolornas matematiktävling 1961-1968, problem och lösningar. Ed. L.I.Hedberg
- S.M.Ulam: A collection of mathematical problems.
- B.Ulin: Liten guide för matematiska problemlösare.
U.S.A Mathematical olympiads, 1972-1986 Ed. M.S.Klamkin.
Utraditionelle matematikopgaver. Ed. E.v.Essen et al.