D.Acheson: 1089 and all that; a journey into mathematics.
- I.Adler: The new mathematics.
R.B.Banks: Slicing pizzas, racing turtles, and further adventures in applied mathematics.
J.D.Barrow: Pi in the sky; counting, thinking, and being.
B.Beckman: Codebreakers; Arne Beurling and the Swedish crypto program during World War II.
B.Beckman: Svenska kryptobedrifter; med en beskrivning av hur Arne Beurling knäckte den tyska chiffertrafiken.
E.T. Bell: Mathematics; queen and servant of science.
D.C.Benson: The moment of proof; mathematical epiphanies.
H.Bergström: Att studera matematik.
- J.Berry: Introductory mathematics through science applications.
- M.W.Berry, M.B.Berry: Understanding search engines; mathematical modeling and text retrieval.
L.Bieberbach: Theorie der geometrischen Konstruktionen.
G.Blom: Om spelteori och beslutsteori.
D.M.Bressoud: Proofs and confirmations; the story of the alternating sign matrix conjecture.
- D.W.Brisson, C.Boulder: Hypergraphics; visualizing complex relationships in art, science and technology.
- R.A.Brooks: Flesh and machines; how Robots Will Change Us.
C.J.Budd: Mathematics galore!
M.Burns: The I hate Mathematics! book.
101 careers in mathematics. Ed. A.Sterrett.
L.Carleson: Matematik för vår tid; en presentation och ett debattinlägg.
J.P.Carse: Finite and infinite games.
J.L.Casti: Complexification; explaining a paradoxical world through the science of surprise.
J.L.Casti: Five golden rules; great theories of 20th century mathematics - and why they matter.
J.L.Casti: Five more golden rules; knots, codes, chaos, and other great theories of 20th century mathematics.
A century of mathematics; through the eyes of The Monthly. Ed. J.Ewing.
S.Chandrasekhar: Newton's Principia for the common reader.
W.G.Chinn: First concepts of topology; the geometry of mappings of segments, curves, circles, and disks.
K.C.Cole: The universe and the teacup; the mathematics of truth and beauty.
K.C.Cole: Universum och tekoppen; den sköna matematiken.
R.Courant: What is mathematics? An elementary approach to ideas and methods.
K.Dahl: Den fantastiska matematiken.
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E.B.Davies: Science in the looking glass; what do scientists really know?
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- M.D.Davis: Game theory; a nontechnical introduction.
P.J.Davis, R.Hersh: Descartes' dream; the world according to mathematics. Vol.I-II.
- P.J.Davis, R.Hersh: The mathematical experience.
K.Devlin: Life by the numbers.
K.Devlin: The language of mathematics; making the invisible visible.
A. Doxiadis: Uncle Petros and Goldbach's conjecture.
R.D.Driver: Why math?
U.Dudley: Mathematical cranks.
I.Ekeland: Le calcul, l'imprévu. Mathematics and the unexpected.
I.Ekeland: Mathematics and the unexpected.
D.P.Ellerman: Intellectual trespassing as a way of life; essays in philosophy, economics and mathematics.
E.R.Eriksson: Binära och andra talsystem.
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Finite mathematical structures. Ed. J.G.Kemeny.
- Farmelo: It must be beatiful; great equations in modern science.
A.T.Fomenko: Mathematical impressions.
C.Fox: An introduction to the calculus of variations.
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H.B.Griffiths: Mathematics; society and curricula.
K.Gödel: Collected works. Vol. 2-3.
D.B. de Haan: Nouvelles tables d'intégrales définies.
- J.Hadamard: The mathematicians mind; on the psychology of invention in the mathematical field.
S.W.Hawking: A brief history of time.
I.N.Herstein, I.Kaplansky: Matters mathematical.
P.J.Hilton: Mathematical vistas from a room with many windows.
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D.R.Hofstadter: Gödel, Escher, Bach; an eternal golden braid.
D.R.Hofstadter: Metamagical themas; questing for the essence of mind and pattern.
H.E.Huntley: The divine proportion; a study in mathematical beauty.
Hypergraphics; visualizing complex relationships in art, science and technology. Ed. D.W.Boulder.
H.R.Jacobs: Mathematics, a human endeavor, a book for those a who think they don't like the subject.
W.Karush: Matematisk uppslagsbok.
F.Klein et al: Famous problems and other monographs.
- L.G.Kelly: Handbook of numerical methods and applications.
V.Klee: Old and new unsolved problems in plane geometry and number theory.
M.Kline: Mathematics and the physical world.
- M.Kline: Mathematics; the loss of certainty.
D.E.Knuth: Mathematical writing.
T.W.Körner The pleasure of counting.
- M.Laczkovich: Conjecture and proof.
I.Lakotatos: Bevis och motbevis.
S.Lang: The beauty of doing mathematics; three public dialogues.
S.Lang: Fait des maths en public; the beauty of doing mathematics.
S.Lang: Math! the encounter with high school students.
Lectures on modern mathematics. Vol. 1-3. Ed. T.L. Saaty.
W.Ledermann: Complex numbers.
- M.E.Lines: Think of a number; ideas, concepts and problems which challenge the mind and baffle the experts.