
Tomas Berggren

Department of Mathematics
Lindstedtsvägen 25
100 44 Stockholm
Email: tobergg at kth dot se

I am a PhD student under the supervision of Maurice Duits at the Department of Mathematics at Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, in Stockholm. My plan is to graduate in the spring of 2020 and I am now looking for a postdoc position. I am a member of the group "Random Matrices, Stochastic Models and Analysis" . At the moment I am working on tiling models of planar domains with doubly periodically weightings. Here is my CV .

Publications and preprints

Education and employment


Pictures of the Aztec diamond with doubly periodically weightings

2x4-periodic Aztec diamond 2x3-periodic Aztec diamond parametrization 2x3-periodic Aztec diamond 2x3-periodic Aztec diamond parametrization
2x4-periodic Aztec diamond 2x4-periodic Aztec diamond 2x4-periodic Aztec diamond
The tiling pictures are generated using a program that was kindly provided by Sunil Chhita. For 3D pictures of the height function of the Aztec diamond see the following webpage by Alexei Borodin and Matvey Borodin.

This is my personal web page. More information.