It's Nice To Meet You
What we do?

What we do

Social integration in a convenient way.

Community Wellbeing

Ensuring well-being for all at all ages.

Quality Education

Ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Sustainable Communities

Making human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.


Over the last year, many people have engaged in integration activities, still many don't find time or arenas for this. Snicksnack is a possibility for those who think they can't afford spending time for meet ups. Our app connects a native-speaker and a language learner through phone calls where they can talk about daily life in the local language. After every call we provide some interesting facts about the host counrty by using open data enabling community transperancy and knowledge sharing.

To make the most out of a call, people get matched together by proximity. We also provide an additional feature of choosing a second language; if they have one; so that they can express themselves to their fullest. This factor is also been considered while the proximity match. For the convenience of the user we have a functionality through which the user can make him/herself available at will. We believe most people will have good intentions using the app, however if you did feel uncomfortable while talking to someone there is a possibility to report your concerns.

You can download our app from the Google Play Store. Sign up with your phone number. Sign in to the app and slide the "Available" option to active. when you are ready to talk. If someone else is available, you will get in contact for a call. Talk as long as you have time and want to. Once done slide it back to inactive.

"Lets come together to enable social change"

Our Amazing Team

Susanna Silversol

Marketing Manager

Alexander Bratt

Service Designer

Sakshyam Panda

UI/UX Designer

Rana Dyab

Communication Manager

Soumya Mishra

Lead Developer

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