Project Assignments outside of Academia

During my time at KTH I have been a part of several projects within the Physics chapter. This include the committee "Mottagningen" (the group which plan and execute the welcoming of new students each year), and Fysikalen (the production of a comical, musical theater). My roles have included:
  1. Director in Fysikalen, 2017-2018 (Maria Stuart & Elisabeth I)
    Creative Head of all on stage activities, Group Leader of all Actors, Member of the Board
  2. Actor/singer in Fysikalen, 2014 (Kennedy) and 2016 (Shelley)
    Performing on stage
  3. Chairman of the reception committee "Mottagningen" - also called "Överföhs", 2015
    Head of the project group which plans all activities for the reception. The project includes roughly 100 current students who guides about 130 new students during their first 3 months at KTH. The activities include lectures, games, parties and introdcutions of both KTH and the chapter (including academia and extra curricular possibilities).
  4. Member of the reception committee "Mottagningen" - also called "Fadderist", 2013
    One of 7 members in the project group which plans all activities for the reception. (See above for details on what this includes.)
  5. Group leader for new student during the reception "Mottagningen" - also called "Förfadder", 2012
    Group leader of a smaller group of new students (~20) and a group of current students (~30). The responsibilities included guiding the new students, answering questions, arranging parties and other activities, recruting current students to join the group and help with the prementioned responsibilities.