[eChallenges'08] CTracker: a Distributed BitTorrent Tracker Based on Chimera


There are three major open issues in the BitTorrent peer discovery system, which are not solved by any of the currently deployed solutions. These issues seriously threaten BitTorrent's scalability, especially when considering that mainstream content distributors could start using BitTorrent for distributing content to millions of users simultaneously in the near future.

In this paper these issues are addressed by proposing a topology-aware distributed tracking system as a replacement for both centralized and Kademlia-based trackers.

An experiment measuring most popular open BitTorrent trackers is also presented. It shows that centralized trackers are not topology aware. We conclude that an ideal topology-aware tracker would return peers whose latency to the requester peer is significantly lower than of a centralized tracker.

Electronic Copy


  • R. Jimenez and B. Knutsson, “CTracker: a Distributed BitTorrent Tracker Based on Chimera,” in Proc. eChallenges 2008, vol. 2, Oct. 2008, pp. 941–947.
  • @INPROCEEDINGS{ctracker,
    author={Raul Jimenez and Bj{\"o}rn Knutsson},
    title={{CTracker: a Distributed BitTorrent Tracker Based on Chimera}},
    booktitle ={Proc. eChallenges 2008},


This work has been funded by the P2P-Next project.
Last changed: 2011-11-02