CatDroid Project Process

Time to submit the project

It was really fun to do this project, we want to do more. We learned a lot and we are happy with the result. Here is a video demonstration:

Picking up objects and painting

We wanted to add some more fun features to our program. Since CatDroid has claws we thought it was natural that it should be able to pick up, hold and drop things. We were actually able to implement it! We also made CatDroid able to paint objects by looking at them. We implemented this by shooting a ray from its head which we learned in the labs. It paints objects in the same color as the object it holds in its left hand.

Claw movement

CatDroid can now open and close its claws! We needed to constrain the rotation since the claws should only open and close to a cerain degree. This was a bit tricky. We needed to create our own variable that keeps track of the rotation, since localEulerAngles() function is not reliable for absolute comparisons. We also needed to change the pivot point of the claws, which we did in Blender.

Moving arms is tricky...

Rotating the shoulders in all directions was harder than we thought, if we don't want CatDroids arms to intersect its body. We decided that it should only be able to move its arms along axis. This also makes the controls simpler. It can also rotate its hands!

Jumping jumping

We have spent many hours implementing the jump animation... We tried to use Unity's animation system, which worked fine, until we wanted to do transformations in script. We were not able to use both. So we implemented the jump animation in script instead, which does not feel quite right. But it works.

Moving forward

We have set the starting position for the arms to be along its sides, and the tail to point upwards. We have also added a movement script which will control all movements. So far we have added movement for moving forward and backward and rotating. The head also rotates following the mouse, which is also based on the code from the labs.

CatDroid is in Unity!

We have imported CatDroid to Unity, but it doesn't do much yet.

Applying the textures

We have applied Jenna's texture and the CatDroid is starting to look really good. The next step will be to get it into Unity.

Drawing textures

The UV-mapping is complete and Jenna has started drawing textures in Procreate on iPad. Wonder what goes where. At this point we're not sure what is what on the UV-map. Lesson learned: label the UV-map.

Next step: UV-mapping

We're almost at a character we are happy with. Anton has now started to do the UV-mapping and applying test textures to the model. The trickiest part is to cut up the geometry into pieces that makes sense.

3D modelling in progress

Anton has started to model our character in Blender based on the sketches. Since none of us have done modelling before, we use simple shapes and geometry.

It's on!

We have decided on a project. We will create a 3D character that we will animate using hierarchical transformations. Jenna has made a sketches of our character, which will be a cat robot, CatDroid.