Anton Porsbjer

Welcome to my personal website. I created this website to show a bit of who I am and what I have created while studying at KTH.

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About Me

A small introduction about my self.

Anton Porsbjer

MSc Computer Science Student @ KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

My name is Anton Porsbjer and I am a computer science and engineering student at KTH Royal Institute of Technology from Stockholm, Sweden. I have a great passion for computer graphics programming, video game development, creating interactive experiences and web applications. Reasontly i have also found an interest in computer vision and a bit of machine learning. I am currently pursuing my master's degree in computer science with a specialization in computer graphics and interaction.

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Here is a selection of the projects that I have been working on throughout my studies.



I built a raytracer following the gudence of the book "Ray Tracing in One Weekend" by Peter Shirley in order to get a better understanding of raytracing and the ideas behind it. In this project i learned alot about the basics of raytracing, the math and physics behind modeling light transport with reflections, and refractions of different materials. Check out the repo

Sabel and Tiny

Unity | C#

Sabel and Tiny is a 2D side scroller puzzle platform game. We created it as a part of a course in game design in which we went through the process of creating games, from idea to specification to prototyping and pitching the game. The prototype was made using the Unity game engine. For this project, I assumed the role of project lead and was responsible for keeping track of all aspects of the game, making sure everything is working correctly together and that the game is playable. I was also responsible for implementing some of the game mechanics, one example is a mechanic where the player is able to control the the game world similar to a sliding puzzle. The game's website

Eye in the Sky

Unity | C# | Mirror

Eye in the Sky is an asymmetric network multiplayer cross-platform game built in the Unity game engine. The goal of the project was creating a game using different type of technologies such as motion controls, asymmetric gameplay and we also experimented with AR. In this project my responsibilites were gameplay programming, implementing the network connectivity between clients and the server, and android development. The game's website

Bunny's Blobbers

Unity | C# | NVIDIA FleX

As part of a course in models and simulation, we created a game using the Unity game engine and the NVIDIA FleX SDK. The game itself is pretty simple, you are a bunny trying to catch small bunnies made of jelly and other fun materials in your bucket. The goal of the project was to use NVIDIA FleX to learn about simulating the physics and behaviors of different materials. Check out the devlog

Overwatch Tournament Manager

Vue.js | HTML | CSS | JavaScript

Overwatch Tournament Manager is a web application for creating Overwatch tournaments, created in Vue.js using an unofficial Overwatch API. I worked with creating vue-components for the different aspects of the application and API calls. I also spent some time on CSS styling. Try it out

Parklife STHLM


Parklife STHLM is a prototype of a smartphone application for finding and learning about parks and green areas in Stockholm created using the design and prototyping tool Figma. See a video

Cat shelter companion application


A prototype of a tablet application for use in cat shelters, designed in Figma as a UX project. In this project we traveled to cat shelters in Stockholm and performed user studies and design work in collaboration with the staff. Give it a try


Unity | C#

A small Unity project created for the course Computer Graphics and Interaction to learn about transformations, animation hierarchies, and raycasting. Check it out

Twitch extension

HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Golang

A Twitch extension created for Abios using their eSports API. In this project I primaraly worked with the frontend of the application, making sure that the data form the API was correctly fetched and displayed.


Here is a selection of my favorite photos I have taken. Shooting and finding new and interesting compositions is so much fun.