Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
KTH - Royal Institute of Technology
mikaelj@kth.se, +46-8-790 7436
science and technology that help computers to make better decisions"
Linear quadratic and model predictive control
M. Johansson
Lecture Notes, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
PDFBringing regularized optimal transport to lightspeed: a splitting method adapted for GPUs
J. Lindbäck, Z. Wang and M. Johansson
NeurIPS 2023
PDFAsynchronous iterations in optimization: new sequence results and sharper algorithmic guarantees
H. R. Feyzmahdavian and M. Johansson
Journal on Machine Learning Research, 2023
PDFFast and resource-efficient training algorithms
Distributed decision-making and optimization
Scheduling, bioinformatics, and sports.
Hybrid, networked and asynchronous control
Energy-efficient systems with hard deadlines
Optimized communication systems