Svante's Preprints and Papers
Some papers on electoral issues:
Föreslagna ändringar i Sveriges valsystem
(with Svante Janson, in Swedish), SMS-Bulletinen,
matematikersamfundets medlemstidning, maj 2014.
Dynamic adjustment: an electoral method for relaxed double proportionality
(with Gustav Ryd), Annals of Operations Research, Volume 215, no 1 (2014), Page 183-199.
Normalapproximation för sannolikheten för att felaktigt hanterade röster påverkar mandatfördelningen
(with Svante Janson), In Swedish, Yttrande till Riksdagens Valprövningsnämnd 22 februari (2011), Dnr 7-2011.
Exempel på beräkningar av sannolikheter för att felaktigt hanterade röster
påverkar valutgången
(with Svante Janson), In Swedish, Yttrande till Riksdagens Valprövningsnämnd 9 december (2010), Dnr 22-2011.
- More of my publications on electoral issues are available
See also paper on Alabama paradox below.
Mathematics papers:
Correelation and Simpson Conersion in 2x2x2 contingency tables
(with Matthew Stamps), Preprint (2018).
On random shifted standard Young tableaux and 132-avoiding sorting networks
(with Samu Potka and Robin Sulzgruber), preprint (2018).
New properties of the Edelmann-Greene bijection
(with Samu Potka), preprint (2018).
Reverse Juggling Processes
(with Arvind Ayyer), Random structures and Algorithms, to appear (2018).
Bumping Sequences and Multispecies Juggling
(with Arvind Ayyer, Jérémie Bouttier, Sylvie Corteel and Francois
Nunzi), Adv. in Applied Math. vol 98, 100--126, (2018).
Continuous Multi-line Queues and the TASEP
(with Erik Aas), Annales de
l’Institut Henri Poincaré D, vol 5, 127--152 (2017).
Some generalized juggling processes (extended abstract)
(with Arvind Ayyer, Jérémie Bouttier and Francois
Nunzi), Conference presentation FPSAC 2015.
Correlations in the Multispecies TASEP and a Conjecture by Lam
(with Arvind Ayyer), Trans. of AMS,vol 369, No 2, 1097--1125, Feb (2017).
First critical probability for a problem on random orientations in
$G(n,p)$. (with Sven Erick Alm and Svante Janson) Electronic Journal of Probability, vol 19, no. 69 (2014).
Correlation of paths between distinct vertices in a randomly oriented graph
(with Madeleine Leander), Mathematica Scandinavica, vol 116, 287--300 (2015) .
An Inhomogeneous Multispecies TASEP on a Ring
(with Arvind Ayyer), Advances in
applied mathematics, volume 57, 21--43 (2014). Accompanying
Maple code (written by Arvind Ayyer).
Rees products and lexicographic shellability
(with John Shareshian and Michelle Wachs), J. of Combinatorics,
volume 3, no 3, pp 243-276 (2012).
The Probability of the Albama paradox
(with Svante Janson), 24 pages, J. of Applied Probability, volume
49, no.3, pp 773-794 (2012).
n! matchings, n! posets
(with Anders Claesson), Proc. of AMS., volume 139, no. 2, pp 435-449 (2011).
Correlations for paths in random orientations of G(n,p) and G(n,m)
(with Sven Erick Alm and Svante Janson), Random Structures and
Volume 39, Issue 4, pp 486-506, (2011).
A counter-intuitive correlation in a random tournament
(with Sven Erick Alm),
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, volume 20, issue 01, pp. 1-9 (2011).
A note on correlations in randomly oriented graphs
, Preprint 2009.
On percolation and the bunkbed conjecture
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, volume 20, issue 01, pp. 103-117 (2011).
Thomassen's choosability argument revisited
(with David Wood, he is first author), SIAM J. Discrete Math. Volume 24, Issue 4, pp. 1632-1637 (2010)
From Bruhat intervals to intersection lattices and a conjecture of Postnikov
, (with
Axel Hultman, John Shareshian and Jonas Sjöstrand),
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, Vol. 116, no. 3, 564--580 (2009).
- The k-assignment polytope, (with Jonna Gill), Discrete Optimization, Vol. 6, no.2, 148--161 (2009).
On the independence complex of square grids, (with
Eran Nevo and Mireille Bousquet-Mélou),
Journal of Algebraic combinatorics, vol 27 no.4, 423-450 (2008).
Complexes of graphs with bounded matching size, (with
John Shareshian and Volkmar Welker),
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, vol 27 no.3, 331-349 (2008).
- A regular decomposition of the edge-product space of phylogenetic trees, (joint with Jonna Gill, Vincent Moulton and Mike Steel),
Advances in Applied Mathematics, vol 41, 158-176 (2008).
- Pattern avoidance in alternating sign matrices, (with
Robert Johansson), Annals of Combinatorics, vol 11, 471-480 (2007).
- Dense packing of patterns in a permutation, (with Henrik Eriksson, Kimmo Eriksson and Johan Wästlund), Annals of Combinatorics, vol 11, 459-470 (2007).
Parity splits of X-trees by tripple point distance ,
(joint with Jörgen Backelin). Annals of Combinatorics,
Vol 10, no. 1, 1-18 (2006).
- A Proof of Parisi's Conjecture on the Random Assignment Problem, (with Johan Wästlund) In dvi-format, Probability Theory and Related Fields, vol 128 (3), 419-440 (2004).
- Completing a k-1 assignment (with Johan Wästlund),
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing,
Vol 16, No. 4 621-629(2007).
- A generalization of the Random Assignment Problem, (with Johan Wästlund) unpublished manuscript from 2000. Note that this is a slightly different version of the article than available on the xxx.Arxiv. Numbering of theorems have changed.
- The complex of t-colorable graphs, (with John Shareshian), SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, vol 16 no 3, 371-389 (2003).
- Extended pattern avoidance, Discrete Mathematics, 246, 219-230 (2002).
A smaller sleeping bag for a baby snake, (with Johan Håstad och Johan Wästlund),
Discrete and Computational Geometry, 26, 173--181 (2001).
- Doubly alternating Baxter permutations are Catalan, (with Olivier Guibert), Discrete Mathematics, 217 157--166 (2000). Abstract
- A decomposition of Fl(n)^d indexed by permutation arrays, (with Kimmo Eriksson), Advances in Applied Mathematics, 25, 212--227 (2000). Abstract
- A combinatorial theory of higher-dimensional permutation arrays, (with Kimmo Eriksson), Advances in Applied Mathematics, 25, 195--211 (2000). Abstract
- Complexes of not i-connected graphs, (with Eric Babson, Anders Björner, John Shareshian and Volkmar Welker),
Topology, 38,No. 2, 271-299, (1999). Abstract
- A simple bijection for the regions of the Shi arrangement of hyperplanes, (with Christos Athanasiadis), Dicsrete Mathematics, 204 No.1-3, 27-39 (1999). Abstract
The number of k-faces of a simple d-polytope, (with Anders Björner), Discrete and Computational Geometry, 21, 1-16 (1999). Abstract
- The number of M-sequences and f-vectors, Combinatorica, 19 (2), (1999), 255-266. Abstract
- A class of lattices whose intervals are spherical or contractible. European Journal of Combinatorics, 20, 239-257, (1999). Abstract
- Partitions with Restricted Block Sizes, M\"obius Functions and the k-of-each Problem, SIAM J. Discrete Mathematics, 10 No. 1, pp. 18-29 (1997). Abstract
- Examples of Non-uniqueness for the Combinatorial Radon Transform Modulo the Symmetric Group, (with Jan Boman), Matematica Scandinavica, 78, pp. 207-212, (1996). dvi-version
- Combinatorics of Fulton's Essential Set. (with Kimmo Eriksson), Duke Mathematical Journal, 85, no. 1,(1996),pages 61-76. Abstract, With proof of Chess Theorem (ps-file) (Longer version of the article that appeared in my thesis.)
- -The Size of Fulton's Essential Set , (with Kimmo Eriksson), Electronic J. of Combinatorics , #R6, Vol. 2,(1995),18 pages. Abstract
- Möbius function and characteristic polynomial for subspace arrangements embedded in B_{n}. ( preprint, KTH, (1995),11 pages). Abstract, dvi-version, ps-version
Svante Linusson