Hyperplane arrangements
Doktorandkurs HT07 at KTH
The first half of the course will go through the fundamental
combinatorics of arrangements of affine hyperplanes.
For this part we will use the lecture notes of Richard P. Stanley
Introduction to hyperplane arrangements
For the second half we will go through research papers in the area for more detailed combinatorics, or topological and algebraic aspects of hyperplane arrangements or subspace arrangements. This part may depend on the interest of the students.
The students of the course are expected to take active part in the
presentation and discussion of the material.
This will also be a large part of the examination.
The lectures are planned to be on Thursdays 13.15-15.00.
The first lecture will be on Thursday 30/8 13.15-15.00 in room 3733.
Students who plan to attend but are unable to come the first lecture should contact me.
Svante Linusson