defmodule Sphere do @color {1.0, 0.4, 0.4} @brilliance 0 @transparency 0 @refraction 1.5 defstruct( radius: 2, pos: {0, 0, 0}, color: @color, brilliance: @brilliance, transparency: @transparency, refraction: @refraction ) defimpl Object do def intersect(sphere, ray) do Sphere.intersect(sphere, ray) end def normal(sphere, _, pos) do # assuming we always hit it from the outside Vector.normalize(Vector.sub(pos, sphere.pos)) end end def intersect(%Sphere{pos: spos, radius: radius}, %Ray{pos: rpos, dir: dir}) do k = Vector.sub(spos, rpos) a =, k) a2 = :math.pow(a, 2) k2 = :math.pow(Vector.norm(k), 2) r2 = :math.pow(radius, 2) t2 = a2 - k2 + r2 closest(t2, a) end defp closest(t2, a) do if t2 < 0 do :no else t = :math.sqrt(t2) d1 = a - t d2 = a + t cond do d1 > 0.0 and d2 > 0.0 -> {:ok, min(d1, d2)} d1 > 0.0 -> {:ok, d1} d2 > 0.0 -> {:ok, d2} true -> :no end end end end