The combinatorics seminar at KTH

April 29, 2009

Anders Claesson (Reykjavík University): (2+2)-free posets, ascent sequences and pattern avoiding permutations


We present bijections between four classes of combinatorial objects. Two of them, the class of unlabeled (2+2)-free posets and a certain class of involutions (or chord diagrams), already appeared in the literature, but were apparently not known to be equinumerous. The third class is a family of permutations defined in terms of a new type of pattern. An attractive property of these patterns is that, like classical patterns, they are closed under the action of D_8, the symmetry group of the square. The fourth class is formed by certain integer sequences, called ascent sequences, which have a simple recursive structure and are shown to encode (2+2)-free posets and permutations.

We determine the generating function of these objects, thus recovering a non-D-finite series obtained by Zagier for the class of chord diagrams. Finally, we characterize the ascent sequences that correspond to permutations avoiding the barred pattern 3{\bar 1}52{\bar 4} and use this to enumerate those permutations, thereby settling a conjecture of Pudwell.

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