Djurgårdens IF pictures

Alberget 4A, Djurgårdens IF's place of birth the 12th of March 1891

John Jansson, the founder of Djurgårdens IF

Gösta "Knivsta" Sandberg - elected as "Djurgårder of the century" by the club members 1991

The Iron Stoves (sounds better in Swedish) has been one of the club's nicknames for a long time

Stockholm Globe Arena, home arena of DIF Hockey and the largest spherical building in the world

Old heroes in the National Hockey League

Just D, the Swedish pop group, showing their colours

Two reasons to use the rubber...

Blue Saints in the match at home against Hammarby 1995

Blue Saints again. The same picture, larger.

The DIF crest - you'll never encounter anything more beautiful...

The DIF-crest again, in a more modern version

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