The blinker. An example.

The blinker is the smallest oscillator in the Game of Life. It consists of three cells in a row that alternates between horizontal and vertical positions. Suppose that the three blinker cells initially have colour indices represented by the components of the 3-dimensional vector v0 and that the colours of three cells in the next generation are represented similary by the vector v1. The transition between the generations (or states) can be pictured in the Game of Life field as follows:
v0[1]  v0[2]  v0[3]  ->  v1[1]  

where the colour rule induces the following relations:

v1[1] = ( v0[1] + v0[2] + v0[3] )/3
v1[2] = v0[2]
v1[3] = ( v0[1] + v0[2] + v0[3] )/3
    or in matrix form:    
v1 = T v0 ,          where       T    =

The blinker alternates between vertical and horisontal rows in such a way that the algebraic transition always is described by the same transition matrix, T. This means that the transition from generations 0 to 2 is given by the matrix

A    =     T2    = .
During this transition the blinker completes a full cycle, since the original position is resumed. Hence, the matrix A is called the cycle matrix for the blinker.

In general, a cyclic pattern with period N has N different transition matrices Tj, j=0, ... ,N-1.   Tj defines the transition between the generations j and j+1. The dimensions of Tj is rj+1 x rj, where the numbers rj and rj+1 represent the numbers of living cells in the corresponding generations. The cycle matrix A is the product TN-1TN-2...T1T0.

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