@inproceedings{kucherenko2021speech2properties2gestures, title={Speech\-2\-{P}roperties\-2\-{G}estures: {G}esture-Property Prediction as a Tool for Generating Representational Gestures from Speech}, author={Kucherenko, Taras and Nagy, Rajmund and Jonell, Patrik and Neff, Michael and Kjellstr{\"o}m, Hedvig and Henter, Gustav Eje}, booktitle={Proc. IVA}, abstract={We propose a new framework for gesture generation, aiming to allow data-driven approaches to produce more semantically rich gestures. Our approach first predicts whether to gesture, followed by a prediction of the gesture properties. Those properties are then used as conditioning for a modern probabilistic gesture-generation model capable of high-quality output. This empowers the approach to generate gestures that are both diverse and representational. Follow-ups and more information can be found on the project page: https://svito-zar.github.io/speech2properties2gestures/}, keywords={gesture generation, virtual agents, representational gestures}, address={Kyoto, Japan}, month={Sept.}, publisher={ACM}, volume={21}, pages={145--147}, doi={10.1145/3472306.3478333}, year={2021} }