Bienvenue! Welcome!
After a Ph.D in Mathematics Institut of Bordeaux (IMB) under the direction of
Andreas Hartmann and a year as Temporary Assitant of Teaching and Research (ATER) in the same university, I am now a PostDoc in KTH, under the direction of Håkan Hedenmalm for the year 2012-2013.
My research is about interpolation problems in spaces of analytic functions (Paley-Wiener Spaces), Carleson Embeddings, Model spaces, Control Theory, Bergman Kernels Estimates...
Publications / Papers
- Problèmes d'interpolation dans les espaces de Paley-Wiener et applications en théorie du controle (2011).
Thèse de l'Université de Bordeaux. pdf on haL.
- Divided differences & Restriction operator on Paley-Wiener spaces for N-Carleson sequences, Collectanea Mathematica, 64-2 (2013), 251-281.
- Minimality, (Weighted) interpolation in Paley-Wiener spaces & Control Theory (2011), submitted.
Preprint on haL.
- Reverse Carleson Embeddings for Model Spaces (2012), accepted for publication in J. London Math. Soc.
With A. Blandignères, E. Fricain, A. Hartmann and W. Ross. Preprint on haL.
- An elementary asymptotic estimate for the Bergman kernel (2012), in progress.
- Carleson Embeddings in de Branges-Rovnyak Spaces (2013)
With A. Blandignères, E. Fricain, A. Hartmann and W. Ross. Preprint available soon.
Other works
"Problèmes de sous-espaces invariants", Master 2 report, under the direction of Andreas Hartmann (2008). .pdf
"Boules, mesures et boréliens", Master 2 report, under the direction of Etienne Matheron (2007). .pdf
Organisateur des journées Rosette & Analyse
Président association Lambda 2009-2011 (association des doctorants de mathématiques)
Représentant des doctorants de l'équipe A&G au conseil de l'école doctorale 2008/2009